Decreased proliferation rate in Rac1Nkx2.5 hearts. Phospho-histone H3 (pHH3) immunostaining to mark proliferating cells undergoing mitosis in ventricular myocardium (myo) of E9.5 Rac1Nkx2.5 and Rac1f/f hearts (A,B). Proliferation rate was significantly decreased in E9.5 Rac1Nkx2.5 ventricular myocardium compared to littermate controls (C). Cyclin D1 immunostaining in E9.5 Rac1f/f and Rac1Nkx2.5 ventricular myocardium marked cell progression through G1 (D,E). Cyclin D1 expression was significantly decreased in E9.5 Rac1Nkx2.5 ventricular myocardium compared to littermate controls (F). Cleaved caspase-3 (CC3) immunostaining to mark apoptotic cells in ventricular myocardium of E9.5 Rac1Nkx2.5 and Rac1f/f hearts. No apoptosis was detected in E9.5 Rac1Nkx2.5 and Rac1f/f ventricular myocardium (G,H). Apoptotic cells were detected in tissues outside of the heart in Rac1f/f and Rac1Nkx2.5 embryos (I,J). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 by unpaired Student’s t-test. Scale bars: 10 µm (A,B), 50 µm (D–G).