Table 1.
Summary of the main ROS sources in mitochondria. Respiratory enzymes are able to produce ROS in forward and reverse reactions, as well as under specific physiological conditions, such during acute hypoxia. Biological material is underlined.
Name and Source | System | Substrate(s)/Conditions | Potentiator(s) | Inhibitor(s) | References |
FET (CI and CIIIo) | Tissues, cells, and isolated mitochondria |
Cells and Tissues: standard culture media Isolated Mitochondria: pyruvate, malate and glutamate |
Rotenone, Piericidin A or Antimycin A | DPI, myxothiazol, stigmatellin or mucidin | [25,26,28,29,30,31,32,33,34] |
RET (CIN) | Cells and isolated mitochondria | Succinate or G3P | CV inhibitors or ATP | CI and CII inhibitors and OXPHOS uncouplers (FCCP) | [13,16,20,22,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,44] |
CIIIo | Cells and isolated mitochondria | NADH or succinate | Antimycin A | Myxothiazol or stigmatellin | [29,30,51] |
CII-derived forward ROS production | Isolated mitochondria | Low succinate concentration, CI and CIII inhibited | - | Malonate | [49] |
CII-derived reverse ROS production | Isolated mitochondria | Ubiquinol concentration, CI and CIII inhibited | - | Atpenin A5 and malonate | [49] |
Hypoxic ROS | Tissues, cells and isolated mitochondria |
Cells and Tissues: normal culture media Isolated Mitochondria: Malate, glutamate, CaCl2 and NaCl |
Monensin, Nigericin, FCCP (in normoxic cells) | Rotenone, piericidin A, myxothiazol, malonate, NCLX inhibitors (preincubated) | [52] |