Table 1.
Cases of bat predation by cats documented in the scientific literature. Cat classified as: F = feral; SF = semi-feral; O = owned; U = unknown. Habitat: H = human habitat such as agricultural or urban; N = natural habitat; U = unknown. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) status as follows: DD = Data Deficient; LC = Least Concern; NT = Near Threatened; VU = Vulnerable.
Family | Species | Cat Type | Sample | Country | Habitat | IUCN Status | Reference |
Miniopteridae | Miniopterus schreibersii | U | Records of rescue | Italy | H | NT | [13] |
O | Survey | Italy | H | [14] | |||
Molossidae | Austronomus australis | F | Stomach | Australia | N | LC | [15] |
Mormopterus planiceps | F | Stomach | Australia | H | LC | [16] | |
Tadarida brasiliensis | U | Camera | Argentina | H | LC | [17] | |
Tadarida teniotis | U | Records of rescue | Italy | H | LC | [13] | |
Mormoopidae | Mormoops blainvillei | F | Camera, scats and body remains | Puerto Rico | N | LC | [18] |
Pteronotus quadridens | F | Camera, scats and body remains | Puerto Rico | N | LC | [18] | |
Mystacinidae | Mystacina tuberculata | F | DNA and body remains | New Zealand | N | VU | [19] |
U | Survey | U | [20] | ||||
Natalidae | Chilonatalus macer | F | Scats | Cuba | N | DD | [21] |
Natalus primus | F | Scats | Cuba | N | VU | [21] | |
Phyllostomidae | Artibeus lituratus | O | Observations and body remains and rescue | Brazil | H | LC | [22] |
U | Observations | Brazil | U | [23] | |||
cavernarum |
F | Camera, scats and body remains | Puerto Rico | N | LC | [18] | |
Carollia perspicillata | U | Observations | Brazil | U | LC | [23] | |
Desmodus rotundus | O | Observations and body remains | Brazil | H | LC | [24] | |
Erophylla bombifrons | F | Camera, scats and body remains | Puerto Rico | N | LC | [18] | |
Monophyllus redmani | F | Camera, scats and body remains | Puerto Rico | N | LC | [18] | |
Phyllostomus discolor | O | Observations, body remains and rescue | Brazil | H | LC | [22] | |
Phyllonycteris poeyi | U | Observations of predator in the cave | Cuba | U | LC | [25] | |
U | Scats | Cuba | N | [21] | |||
Sturnira lilium | U | Observations | Brazil | U | LC | [23] | |
Pteropus dasymallus | F/SF | Survey | Japan | H | VU | [26] | |
Pteropus natalis | F | Scats and stomach | Christmas Island | H | VU | [27] | |
Pteropus ornatus | F | Scats | New Caledonian | N | VU | [28] | |
Pteropodidae | Pteropus tonganus | F | Scats | New Caledonian | N | LC | [28] |
Pteropus vetulus | F | Scats | New Caledonian | N | VU | [28] | |
Rousettus aegyptiacus | O | Brought home | Israel | H | LC | [29] | |
Syconycteris australis | O | Corpses brought | Australia | N | LC | [30] | |
Rhinolophidae |
ferrumequinum |
U | Camera trap | Italy | H | LC | [13] |
O | Survey | Italy | H | [14] | |||
hipposideros |
U | Records of rescue | Italy | H | LC | [13] | |
O | Survey | Italy | H | [14] | |||
Vespertilionidae | Chalinolobus gouldii | F | Stomach | Australia | N | LC | [15] |
F | Stomach | Australia | H | [16] | |||
F | Stomach | Australia | H | [31] | |||
turbeculatus |
U | Survey | New Zealand | N and H | VU | [20] | |
Eptesicus serotinus | U | Records of rescue | Italy | H | LC | [13] | |
O | Survey | Italy | H | [14] | |||
U | Molecular analysis | United Kingdom | U | [32] | |||
Hypsugo savii | O | Records of rescue | Italy | H | LC | [13] | |
Myotis bechsteinii | U | Records of rescue | H | NT | [13] | ||
Myotis mystacinus | O | Survey | Italy | H | LC | [14] | |
U | Necropsy | Germany | U | [33] | |||
U | Molecular analysis | United Kingdom | U | [32] | |||
Myotis crypticus | U | Records of rescue | Italy | H | LC | [13] | |
O | Survey | Italy | H | [14] | |||
U | Molecular analysis | United Kingdom | U | [32] | |||
Myotis vivesi | U | Scats | Mexico | N | VU | [34] | |
Nyctalus leisleri | U | Records of rescue | Italy | H | LC | [13] | |
O | Survey | Italy | [14] | ||||
Nyctalus noctula | U | Body remains | Ukraine | H | LC | [35] | |
Nyctophilus geoffroyi | F | Stomach | Australia | N | LC | [15] | |
O | Corpses brought | Australia | H | [36] | |||
O | Corpses brought/Scats | Australia | H | [37] | |||
F | Scats | Australia | N | [38] | |||
F | Stomach | Australia | H | [39] | |||
F | Stomach | Australia | N | [40] | |||
F | Scats | Australia | N | [41] | |||
coromandra |
SF | Rescue and free | India | H | LC | [42] | |
Pipistrellus kuhlii | O | Records of rescue | Italy | H | LC | [13] | |
Pipistrellus maderensis | O | Corpses brought | Portugal | H | VU | [43] | |
Pipistrellus nathusii | U | Records of rescue | Italy | H | LC | [13] | |
O | Survey | Italy | H | [14] | |||
U | Necropsy | Germany | U | [33] | |||
Pipistrellus pipistrellus | O | Records of rescue | Italy | H | LC | [13] | |
U | Wing damage and molecular analyses | United Kingdom | U | [32,44] | |||
U | Necropsy | Germany | H | [33] | |||
Pipistrellus pygmaeus | O | Records of rescue | Italy | H | LC | [13] | |
U | Wing damage and molecular analysis | United Kingdom | U | [32,44] | |||
Plecotus auritus | U | Records of rescue | Italy | H | LC | [13] | |
O | Survey | Italy | H | [14] | |||
U | Necropsy | Germany | H | [33] | |||
U | Molecular analysis | United Kingdom | U | [32] | |||
Vespadelus darlingtoni | O | Corpses brought | Lord Howe Island | N/U | LC | [45] | |
Vespertilio murinus | U | Necropsy | Germany | U | LC | [33] |