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. 2021 Mar 17;11(3):845. doi: 10.3390/ani11030845

Table 5.

Effect of age on cecal lactic acid bacteria count of broilers (1–10 days).

Days Cecal Lactic Acid Bacteria (log 10 CFU/g)
Bacilli1 Cocci2 Bacilli3 Bacilli4 Bacilli5 Bacilli6 Total
1 6.14 b 5.53 4.00 b NP NP NP 6.11 c
2 7.62 ab NP 4.00 b 4.00c NP NP 6.63 bc
3 7.16 ab NP NP 5.00 bc 4.82 NP 7.99 ab
4 9.01 a NP 4.98 ab 5.23 bc NP NP 8.03 ab
5 8.54 a NP 4.41 ab 5.10 bc NP NP 8.56 a
6 8.68 a NP 4.48 ab NP NP 4.00 7.69 abc
7 7.94 ab NP 6.32 a 5.06 bc NP 5.13 8.04 ab
8 8.24 a NP 5.20 ab 6.99 ab NP NP 8.38 ab
9 8.78 a NP 4.00 b 6.02 abc NP NP 8.79 a
10 8.18 ab NP 4.00 b 7.85 a NP NP 8.35 ab
SEM± 0.639 0.619 0.727 0.797 0.539
p value 0.019 0.018 0.037 0.394 0.041

abc Means with different letters in the same column differ from p ≤ 0.05. n = 5. Colony and microscopic morphology on MRS+MB agar: Bacilli1 = Green colonies Gram-positive rods; Cocci2 = White colonies, Gram-positive cocci; Bacilli3 = Green colonies with white halo Gram-positive rods; Bacilli4 = White colonies Gram-positive rods; Bacilli5 = Green colonies with light green halo Gram-positive rods; Bacilli6 = Irregular flat green colonies Gram-positive rods. NP = no presence. SEM: Standard error of the mean.