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. 2021 Mar 19;18(6):3186. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18063186

Table 3.

Prevalence of family meals: selection of results.

Authors Year Country (City) Method Sample Results and Limits
Michaud et al. [69] 2004 France Phone survey (+/− 30 min)
24 h recall of food consumption
Monday to Sunday
12 to 75 years old
1 person per household
Representative sample
86.2% of respondents who live with family members “have dinner with the family”
  • No definition of “have dinner with the family”

  • What proportion of respondents live with family?

Pettinger et al. [70] 2006 France (Montpellier) Self-administered questionnaires 766
64%≥ 36 years old
40%, education ≥ 3 years
5.3% unemployed
13% retired
12% students
64.5% “eat together as a household on a daily basis”
Eat together as a household daily (age):
18–35 year-old: 59%; 36–50: 66%; 51-65: 71%
  • No definition of “eat together as a household”

  • Family composition of respondents?

Riou et al. [71] 2015 France (Paris) Face to face questionnaires during home visits 2994
Representative sample
23% of sample: 3 meals (89%), mostly at home (89%), with the family (61.7% share meal with the family more than 75% of the time).
Pattern associated with a higher income, a nuclear family (couples with or without children) and an almost non-existent sense of loneliness.
Gallegos et al. [5] 2010 Australia (Perth) Online and paper-based survey (+/− 15 min)
Part of school curriculum
24 h recall
15 year old adolescents
77% dual headed household
Representative sample
61% indicated the previous night’s meal was “eaten at the same time and place as everyone else in the family”.
Other definitions of family meals: “meal was cooked at home”, “meal included meat and vegetables”, “television was off”
  • Day of survey?

Pettinger et al. [70] 2006 England (Nottingham) Self-administered questionnaires 826
72% ≥ 35 years old
26% ≥ 3 years education
4% unemployed
10% retired
3% students
51% reported eating together as a household on a daily basis
18–35 year-old: 47%; 36-50: 46%; 51–65: 71%
  • No definition of “eat together as a household”

  • Family composition of respondents?

Kjærnes (ed.) [72] 2001 Nordic countries Phone survey
24 h recall of eating events (+/− 15 min)
Monday to Sunday
Representative samples(≥15 years old)
Denmark: 1202
Finland: 1200
Norway: 1177
Sweden: 1244
Households: couple with child(ren)
Family meal: meal eaten at home with the entire household, the food eaten is hot
Denmark: 66%; Finland: 51%; Norway: 60%; Sweden: 57%
  • Restrictive definition of the family meal

Sobal and Hanson [73] 2011 US Phone survey
“In a typical week, how often do you eat a meal together with the family members who currently live with you?”
882 adults living with family members
Women: 53%
White: 79%
Married: 70%
Children in household: 43%
Many years of education: 15%
Employed full time: 47%
53%: family meals seven or more times per week
8%: eat one or two family meals per week
7%: never eat together
  • Difficult to define a “typical week”