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. 2021 Mar 21;11(3):567. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics11030567

Figure 3.

Figure 3

One-way sensitivity analyses of key model parameters. (A) Improved switching strategy. ICER values are for improved switching compared to status quo; the vertical bar represents the improved switching ICER from the base-case (USD 579/LY gained). (B) DTG improved switching strategy. ICER values are for DTG improved switching compared to DTG status quo; the vertical bar represents the DTG improved switching ICER from the base-case (USD 591/LY gained). Each horizontal bar presents the range of ICERs obtained when varying the corresponding single model parameter across the range of values we explored. The ranges of parameter values we explored are presented after each parameter label as (base-case value; parameter input value associated with lowest ICER—parameter input value associated with highest ICER). In the one-way sensitivity analysis of “probability of VF with PDR on NNRTI-based ART”, the odds ratio refers to the ratio of the odds of virologic failure for those with PDR on NNRTI-based ART compared to those with either no PDR on NNRTI-based ART or those with PDR on PI-based ART (“PDR to no PDR odds ratio”). Values for the probability of virologic failure corresponding to an odds ratio (OR) of 2.0 and an OR of 15.0 are explained in the footnotes of Table 1. VF = virologic failure; OR = odds ratio.