Fig. 5.
43-Year-old female with no history of smoking. Axial CT images obtained 13 days after symptom onset show bilateral ground glass (red *) and consolidative opacities (black arrows) during active COVID-19 infection through the upper (A), mid (B), and lower (C) lungs. Axial CT through the upper (D), mid (E), and lower (F) lobes at the same level 84 days after symptom onset demonstrate improving ground glass opacities with development of bilateral peripheral reticular opacities (dashed black arrows), parenchymal bands (red arrows) and adjacent architectural distortion. A chest radiograph obtained over a month after the CT demonstrates prominent interstitial markings throughout the lungs (black arrows) (G). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)