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. 2021 Mar 15;12:591535. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.591535



Phylogenetic analysis of Merbecoviruses RdRp genes. The alignment of the full RdRp genes was performed with MUSCLE from the SeaView package (Gouy et al., 2010). The tree was built using the maximum likelihood method under the GTR model with 500 repeats. The tree was rooted using the RdRp sequence of a Sarbecovirus from Manis javanica (MT040333) as outgroup. Deep blue: RdRp sequences from human MERS-CoV. Red: RdRp sequences from dromedaries MERS-CoV. Sample names are built with the GenBank accession number followed by a four-letter code identifying the species. The species codes are as follows: Cdro, Camelus dromedarius; Eeur, Erinaceus europaeus; Hpul, Hypsugo pulveratus; Hsap, Homo sapiens; Hsav, Hypsugo savii; Ncap, Neoromicia capensis; Pabr, Pipistrellus abramus; Pkuh, Pipistrellus kuhlii; Pspp, Pipistrellus unidentified species; Tpac, Tylonycteris pachypus; Tper, Taphozous perforatus; Tspp, Tylonycteris unidentified species; Vsup, Vespertilio superans; NA, Not available.