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. 2021 Mar 15;11:634273. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.634273

Figure 5.

Figure 5

Phenotypic analysis of P. berghei Δc01, Δc57, and Δc22 knockout mutants. Male gametocyte activation measured as percentage of exflagellating male gametocytes (A) and percentage of female gamete conversion to ookinetes (B) of the c507 reference and knockout parasites. ns, not significant; n, number of biological replicates. Error bars indicate SEM. (C) Δc01, Δc57, and Δc22 oocyst development at 8 dpbf in A. coluzzii. Red horizontal lines indicate median. ***P < 0.0001 using Mann-Whitney test. (D) Δc01, Δc57, and Δc22 midgut (MgSpz) and salivary gland sporozoite (SgSpz) numbers at 15 and 21 dpbf respectively in A. coluzzii. (E) Representative instances of c507 reference and Δc01, Δc57, and Δc22 knockout ookinetes from gliding motility assays. Blue lines show ookinete gliding traces captured for 2 min. Note the gliding helical motility that is characteristic of wt ookinete observed in these ookinetes. Scale bars, 10 μm. (F) Speed of c507 reference and knockout ookinetes measured from time-lapse microscopy. ns, not significant; n, number of biological replicates. Red horizontal lines indicate mean and error bars show SEM. (G) Melanized ookinete numbers in CTL4 kd A. coluzzii infected with c507 reference and knockout parasite lines. Red lines indicate median; ns, not significant; *P < 0.05 using Mann-Whitney test.