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. 2021 Mar 29;7(1):00793-2020. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00793-2020


Studies of UCC/RCC with abnormalities of cough hypersensitivity and laryngeal findings

First author [ref.] Subjects evaluated and number studied Abnormal cough triggers In RCC/UCC Laryngeal paresthesia Throat clearing in UCC/RCC Voice abnormalities and upper airway dyspnoea in UCC/RCC Laryngeal abnormalities on endoscopy Other findings
Vertigan [6] 111 chronic cough patients (55 out of 111 with PVFM also) Average of 8 triggers noted for each participant 41% reported warning sensations with most identifying throat as the site of trigger Noted but percentage of patients with this symptom not specified Abnormal voice and dyspnoea scores in chronic cough and cough plus PVFM patients 55 chronic cough with PVFM included in analysis Talking, cigarette smoke, cold air and irritability in throat identified as most frequent triggers.
Ryan [21] 24 subjects with chronic persistent cough Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 14/24 noted with PVFM Abnormal extrathoracic airway hyper-reponsiveness using hypertonic saline in cough+PVFM group
Vertigan [22] 53 RCC patients 100% with one or more cough triggers Seen in 94% Not reported Not reported Shortness of breath reported as a cough trigger Categorised tussive and non-tussive triggers to capture hypertussia and allotussia
Bucca [23] 61 UCC Not reported Not reported Not reported Not reported 66% of UCC patients had abnormal LHR LHR seen not only in UCC but also in GORD (62) asthma (41), rhinosinusitis (208)
Ryan [24] 62 patients 50% with laryngeal hypersensitivity 63% with central reflex sensitisation Not reported 76% with voice changes Not reported This was a placebo-controlled study of gabapentin in chronic cough that showed higher cough improvement in those with central sensitisation.
Vertigan [25] 33 RCC Not reported RCC patients had worse laryngeal paresthesia scores compared to controls Not reported Worse VHI scores and DSI as compared to controls Not reported 57% of RCC had abnormal fall in forced inspiratory flow (FIF50)following hypertonic saline and worse compared to control groups
Hilton [26] 100 consecutive chronic cough patients 79% with hypertussia 72% with allotussia 75% with neck sensations ∼50% with throat clearing Not reported Not reported Correlation between urge-to-cough sensation intensity and total LCQ score.
Vertigan [27] 20 patients with RCC Not reported Abnormal LHQ with correlation with cough frequency Not reported Abnormal mean VHI values in RCC group compared to controls Laryngeal motor dysfunction with breathing in 47% RCC (67% with odour challenge). Mediolateral constriction of false vocal cords in 45% with incomplete or abnormal vocal cord closure in 75% of RCC group. Specialised voice testing and timed swallow test different in RCC group as compared with controls. 69% with of 27 out of 69 patients that had abnormal cough had PVFM
Won [28] 62 patients with RCC 100% of patients with two or more cough triggers 100% of patients with at least one abnormal sensation Not reported Not reported Not assessed Correlations between LCQ and number of laryngeal sensations, number of cough triggers, CHQ score
Current study 60 patients RCC/UCC 100% with one or more cough triggers Seen in 97% Seen in 45% of patients VHI abnormal in 43% and DI in 75% of patients Functional laryngeal abnormalities in 88% patients Correlations between LCQ and VHI and DI noted

RCC: chronic refractory cough; UCC: unexplained chronic cough; PVFM: paradoxical vocal fold motion; LHR: laryngeal hyper-responsiveness; LHQ: laryngeal hypersensitivity questionnaire; LCQ: Leicester Cough Questionnaire; CHQ: Cough Hypersensitivity Questionnaire; DSI: Dyspnea Symptom Index; VHI: Voice Handicap Index; DI: dyspnoea index.