Volumetric soil water content (VSWC; %) by depth for soybean grown in a greenhouse in 1-m rooting columns under two fertilizer placement treatments [top loading (triangular symbols) or full loading (square symbols)] and watered daily to 100% soil water holding capacity. The VSWC measurements were taken 24 h after the previous watering. The measurements were made at planting date (A; top left), 21 days after planting (DAP) (B; top right), 27 DAP (C; bottom left), and 32 DAP (D; bottom right). Data represent the least square mean values of 15 plants ± 1 S.E. in each fertilizer placement treatment. Within a soil depth, values labeled with the same letter are not significantly different (p ≥ 0.05) according to a Tukey’s test. If not seen, the standard error is smaller than the symbol.