Figure 2. Variable pT73-Rab10 and pS106-Rab12 levels in CD(Sprague Dawley) rats treated with the LRRK2 kinase inhibitor PF-475.
a. Representative immunoblots for detecting Lrrk2 and Rab proteins in forebrain lysates from Charles Rivers(Sprague Dawley, (CD(SD)) rats treated with PF-475 (3 or 30 mg·kg−1) and vehicle (Veh) controls. Tissue was collected two hours post-dosing. Quantification of b. total Lrrk2 protein levels normalized to HSC70, and c. pS935-Lrrk2 levels normalized to total Lrrk2 protein. Quantification of pT73-Rab10 levels normalized to d. HSC70 and e. total Rab10 protein. Quantification of pS106-Rab12 levels normalized to f. HSC70 and g. total Rab12. Data are graphed as average measures from triplicate western blots for biological replicates (N=3 rats per group). All values are presented as fold changes to the vehicle treated group. Bar graphs show group means ± SEM. Significance between groups was determined by one-way ANOVA with Dunnett’s multiple comparison test with respect to the indicated group and the vehicle treated group mean. *p< 0.05, **p< 0.01. All other comparisons not indicated by asterisks were not significant.