Figure 6.
Survival analysis of individuals with sporadic mesothelioma or familial mesothelioma by BAP1 mutation status. Kaplan–Meier survival probability versus years with number at risk. Survival data combine results from references: (54, 67, 99). Blue, familial BAP1WT mesothelioma (median survival, 8 years; 10-year survival, 42.0%); red: familial BAP1+/− mesothelioma (median survival, 5 years; 10-year survival, 14.1%); green: SEER, stage I (median survival, 11 months; 10-year survival, 9.2%); brown: SEER, all stages (median survival, 8 months; 10-year survival, 3.3%). Rows below the graph indicate the number of patients at risk in each cohort per year. BAP1+/−, heterozygous BAP1-inactivating mutations; BAP1WT, wild-type BAP1; MM, malignant mesothelioma.