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. 2021 Mar 29;16(3):e0249129. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249129

Table 2. Results from the three different logistic regressions on the whole sample with the adjusted odds-ratios (aOR) of brushing at least twice a day.

A. Dietary behavior. B. Health and body. C. School life.

aOR p-value CI 95%
Study year 2010 versus 2006 1.01 0.7393 0.94 1.09
Study year 2014 versus 2006 1.86 <0.0001 1.7 2.02
Boy of 13 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 1.11 0,0598 1 1.24
Boy of 15 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 1.18 0,0037 1.06 1.32
Girl of 11 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 1.51 <0.0001 1.35 1.69
Girl of 13 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 2.36 <0.0001 2.09 2.65
Girl of 15 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 2.71 <0.0001 2.39 3.07
Eating breakfast daily 1.38 <0.0001 1.29 1.48
Eating fruits daily 1.52 <0.0001 1.41 1.65
Eating vegetables daily 1.13 0.0010 1.05 1.22
Eating sweets daily 0.91 0.0194 0.83 0.98
Drinking soft drinks daily 0.91 0.0181 0.84 0.98
Wealth perceived: Mid vs Low 1.25 0.0008 1.1 1.43
Wealth perceived: High vs Low 1.66 <0.0001 1.47 1.89
Study year 2010 versus 2006 1.07 0.1041 0.99 1.16
Study year 2014 versus 2006 1.96 <0.0001 1.79 2.15
Boy of 13 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 1.07 0.2311 0.96 1.20
Boy of 15 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 1.04 0.4680 0.93 1.17
Girl of 11 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 1.57 <0.0001 1.39 1.77
Girl of 13 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 2.31 <0.0001 2.03 2.62
Girl of 15 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 2.54 <0.0001 2.23 2.89
Cantril ≥ 6 1.19 0.0007 1.08 1.31
BMI: Overweight or obese 0.65 <0.0001 0.58 0.73
Excellent perceived health 1.30 <0.0001 1.21 1.41
Body image: too thin vs normal 0.93 0.1880 0.84 1.04
Body image: too fat vs normal 0.88 0.0037 0.80 0.96
Wealth perceived: Mid vs Low 1.16 0.0456 1.00 1.33
Wealth perceived: High vs Low 1.47 <0.0001 1.29 1.69
Study year 2010 versus 2006 1.02 0.6111 0.94 1.11
Study year 2014 versus 2006 1.86 <0.0001 1.70 2.04
Boy of 13 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 1.15 0.0147 1.03 1.29
Boy of 15 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 1.18 0.0049 1.05 1.33
Girl of 11 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 1.56 <0.0001 1.39 1.76
Girl of 13 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 2.32 <0.0001 2.06 2.61
Girl of 15 y/o versus 11 y/o boy 2.62 <0.0001 2.31 2.97
Having academic delay 0.80 <0.0001 0.72 0.88
Perceived school grades: Mid 1.03 0.6189 0.92 1.15
Perceived school grades: High 1.24 0.0002 1.11 1.40
Liking school 1.02 0.6955 0.94 1.10
Demand from school: Mid 0.94 0.1313 0.87 1.02
Demand from school: High 0.90 0.0633 0.81 1.01
Classmate’s support: Mid 1.17 0.0049 1.05 1.30
Classmate’s support: High 1.29 <0.0001 1.15 1.45
Being bullied 0.84 <0.0001 0.78 0.90
Bullying others 0.86 <0.0001 0.80 0.93
Wealth perceived: Mid vs Low 1.19 0.0112 1.04 1.36
Wealth perceived: High vs Low 1.56 <0.0001 1.37 1.77

For variables with 3 levels, the “Low” level was used as reference. Due to the interaction, age and sex are described as one variable with 6 levels, the reference level being a boy of 11 y/o. Significant values at p<0.0001 in bold.

The reference level is a boy of 11 y/o in 2006. For example, on Table 2a, being a boy of 11 y/o in 2014 gives an aOR of 1.86 in favor of brushing at least twice a day versus a boy of 11 y/o in 2006. No significant interactions were identified, so the aOR of brushing at least twice a day for a 15 y/o girl in 2014 versus a 15 y/o girl in 2006 is not significantly different from 1.86.