Table 1. Characteristics of studies included in this meta-analysis.
Studies | Population | Location | Detection method in BM | Detection method in infant (sample) | Definition of congenital CMV infection, sample (period after birth) | The method to exclude infection during delivery | Transfusion (blood) | BM preparation |
Vochem et al.40 | GA < 32 wk, birth weight < 1,500 g | Germany | PCR | PCR (urine) | CMV DNA in ear swab and CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) | CMV DNA in ear swab | CMV-seronegative | Fresh BM |
Maschmann et al.21 | GA < 32 wk, birth weight < 1,500 g | Germany | PCR & culture | PCR & culture (urine) | CMV DNA in ear or throat swab and CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) | CMV DNA in ear or throat swab | CMV-seronegative | Fresh BM |
Mosca et al.48 | Median GA 30.4 wk, median birth weight 1,380 g | Italy | PCR & culture | PCR & culture (saliva, urine) | Culture (+) in saliva and urine or CMV PCR (+) in blood (on day 1) | Culture in saliva | Blood tested by PCR | No data |
Yasuda et al.42 | GA < 34 wk, birth weight < 2,000 g | Japan | PCR | PCR (blood, urine) | CMV PCR (+) in urine or blood (≤ 1 wk) | Not described | CMV-seronegative | Frozen BM |
Jim et al.32 | GA < 35 wk, birth weight < 1,500 g | Taiwan | PCR | Culture (urine), antibody (blood) | CMV culture (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) or CMV IgM (+) in blood (≤ 1 wk) | Not described | No data | Frozen BM |
Meier et al.49 | GA 24–33 wk | Germany | PCR | PCR (urine, tracheal & pharyngeal aspirate) | CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 2 wk) | CMV PCR in tracheal or pharyngeal aspirate | CMV-seronegative | Fresh BM (mainly) |
Croly-Labourdette et al.43 | GA < 33 wk | France | Culture | Culture (urine) | CMV culture (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) | Ear swab after birth | CMV-seronegative | Fresh BM |
Omarsdottir et al.44 | GA < 28 wk | Sweden | PCR & culture | PCR & culture (urine) | CMV culture and PCR (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) | Ear swab after birth | Leukocyte filtrated | Fresh BM |
Jim et al.33 | GA < 35 wk, birth weight < 1,500 g | Taiwan | PCR & culture | PCR (urine) | CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) or CMV IgM (+) in blood (≤ 1 wk) | Not described | No data | Frozen BM |
Capretti et al.45 | GA ≤ 32 wk, birth weight < 1,500 g | Italy | Culture | PCR & culture (urine) | CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 1 wk) | In vaginal delivery cases, vaginal swab was performed | Leukocyte filtrated | Fresh BM |
Gonzalez Barbera et al.28 | Birth weight ≤ 1,500 g or sign/symptoms of CMV infection | Spain | PCR | Culture (urine), PCR (blood) | CMV culture (+) in urine or CMV PCR (+) in blood (≤ 2 wk) | Not described | No data | No data |
Chiavarini et al.34 | GA < 32 wk, birth weight < 2,000 g with CMV-seropositive mother | Italy | PCR | PCR (urine) | CMV PCR (+) in cord blood and Guthrie card, and urine PCR performed at 1 wk | The infant infected by CMV was born by Cesarean section | No data | Frozen BM |
Hayashi et al.46 | GA < 28 wk, birth weight < 1,000g | Japan | PCR | PCR (urine, blood) | CMV PCR (+) in urine or blood (≤ 1 wk) | DNA sequencing | CMV-seronegative | Frozen BM |
Wakabayashi et al.25 | Birth weight < 1,500 g | Japan | PCR | PCR (urine) | CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 1 wk) | Not described | No data | Fresh or frozen BM |
Narvaez-Arzate et al.27 | Mean GA 33.8 wk, mean birth weight 1,810.7 g | Mexico | PCR | PCR (urine) | CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 2 wk) | Not described | No transfusion | No data |
Josephson et al.50 | Birth weight ≤ 1,500 g | USA | PCR | PCR (blood, urine) | CMV PCR (+) in urine or blood (≤ 2 wk) | Not described | Leukocyte-filtered, irradiated & CMV-seronegative | Fresh or frozen BM |
Omarsdottir et al.47 (control group)a | GW < 28 wk | Sweden | PCR & culture | PCR & culture (urine) | CMV PCR and culture (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) | Not described | Leukocyte-filtered, irradiated | Fresh BM |
Omarsdottir et al.47 (intervention group)a | GW < 28 wk | Sweden | PCR & culture | PCR & culture (urine) | CMV PCR and culture (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) | Not described | Leukocyte-filtered, irradiated | Frozen BM |
Romero-Gómez et al.26 | GA < 32 wk | Spain | PCR & culture | PCR & culture (urine) | CMV PCR and culture (+) in urine (at 3 days) | Not described | Leukocyte-filtered, irradiated | Fresh or frozen BM |
Hosseini et al.31 | GA < 32 wk, birth weight < 2,000 g | Iran | PCR | PCR (urine) | No data | DNS sequencing | No data | Frozen BM |
GA = gestational age at birth, GW = gestational week, PCR = polymerase chain reaction, CMV = cytomegalovirus, BM = breast milk.
aBoth data from originated from single study47 divided into two studies by breast milk preparation method in this table.