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. 2021 Mar 15;36(12):e84. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2021.36.e84

Table 1. Characteristics of studies included in this meta-analysis.

Studies Population Location Detection method in BM Detection method in infant (sample) Definition of congenital CMV infection, sample (period after birth) The method to exclude infection during delivery Transfusion (blood) BM preparation
Vochem et al.40 GA < 32 wk, birth weight < 1,500 g Germany PCR PCR (urine) CMV DNA in ear swab and CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) CMV DNA in ear swab CMV-seronegative Fresh BM
Maschmann et al.21 GA < 32 wk, birth weight < 1,500 g Germany PCR & culture PCR & culture (urine) CMV DNA in ear or throat swab and CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) CMV DNA in ear or throat swab CMV-seronegative Fresh BM
Mosca et al.48 Median GA 30.4 wk, median birth weight 1,380 g Italy PCR & culture PCR & culture (saliva, urine) Culture (+) in saliva and urine or CMV PCR (+) in blood (on day 1) Culture in saliva Blood tested by PCR No data
Yasuda et al.42 GA < 34 wk, birth weight < 2,000 g Japan PCR PCR (blood, urine) CMV PCR (+) in urine or blood (≤ 1 wk) Not described CMV-seronegative Frozen BM
Jim et al.32 GA < 35 wk, birth weight < 1,500 g Taiwan PCR Culture (urine), antibody (blood) CMV culture (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) or CMV IgM (+) in blood (≤ 1 wk) Not described No data Frozen BM
Meier et al.49 GA 24–33 wk Germany PCR PCR (urine, tracheal & pharyngeal aspirate) CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 2 wk) CMV PCR in tracheal or pharyngeal aspirate CMV-seronegative Fresh BM (mainly)
Croly-Labourdette et al.43 GA < 33 wk France Culture Culture (urine) CMV culture (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) Ear swab after birth CMV-seronegative Fresh BM
Omarsdottir et al.44 GA < 28 wk Sweden PCR & culture PCR & culture (urine) CMV culture and PCR (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) Ear swab after birth Leukocyte filtrated Fresh BM
Jim et al.33 GA < 35 wk, birth weight < 1,500 g Taiwan PCR & culture PCR (urine) CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) or CMV IgM (+) in blood (≤ 1 wk) Not described No data Frozen BM
Capretti et al.45 GA ≤ 32 wk, birth weight < 1,500 g Italy Culture PCR & culture (urine) CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 1 wk) In vaginal delivery cases, vaginal swab was performed Leukocyte filtrated Fresh BM
Gonzalez Barbera et al.28 Birth weight ≤ 1,500 g or sign/symptoms of CMV infection Spain PCR Culture (urine), PCR (blood) CMV culture (+) in urine or CMV PCR (+) in blood (≤ 2 wk) Not described No data No data
Chiavarini et al.34 GA < 32 wk, birth weight < 2,000 g with CMV-seropositive mother Italy PCR PCR (urine) CMV PCR (+) in cord blood and Guthrie card, and urine PCR performed at 1 wk The infant infected by CMV was born by Cesarean section No data Frozen BM
Hayashi et al.46 GA < 28 wk, birth weight < 1,000g Japan PCR PCR (urine, blood) CMV PCR (+) in urine or blood (≤ 1 wk) DNA sequencing CMV-seronegative Frozen BM
Wakabayashi et al.25 Birth weight < 1,500 g Japan PCR PCR (urine) CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 1 wk) Not described No data Fresh or frozen BM
Narvaez-Arzate et al.27 Mean GA 33.8 wk, mean birth weight 1,810.7 g Mexico PCR PCR (urine) CMV PCR (+) in urine (≤ 2 wk) Not described No transfusion No data
Josephson et al.50 Birth weight ≤ 1,500 g USA PCR PCR (blood, urine) CMV PCR (+) in urine or blood (≤ 2 wk) Not described Leukocyte-filtered, irradiated & CMV-seronegative Fresh or frozen BM
Omarsdottir et al.47 (control group)a GW < 28 wk Sweden PCR & culture PCR & culture (urine) CMV PCR and culture (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) Not described Leukocyte-filtered, irradiated Fresh BM
Omarsdottir et al.47 (intervention group)a GW < 28 wk Sweden PCR & culture PCR & culture (urine) CMV PCR and culture (+) in urine (≤ 3 wk) Not described Leukocyte-filtered, irradiated Frozen BM
Romero-Gómez et al.26 GA < 32 wk Spain PCR & culture PCR & culture (urine) CMV PCR and culture (+) in urine (at 3 days) Not described Leukocyte-filtered, irradiated Fresh or frozen BM
Hosseini et al.31 GA < 32 wk, birth weight < 2,000 g Iran PCR PCR (urine) No data DNS sequencing No data Frozen BM

GA = gestational age at birth, GW = gestational week, PCR = polymerase chain reaction, CMV = cytomegalovirus, BM = breast milk.

aBoth data from originated from single study47 divided into two studies by breast milk preparation method in this table.

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