Table 2.
UG |
Mean | SD | Mean | SD | |
ADS CHEAT Mean total score | 10.02 | ± 2.76 | 10.01 | ± 1.63 |
ADSC mean cheat frequency score | 1.26 | ± 0.35 | 1.22 | ± 0.25 |
ADSC mean seriousness rating score | 4.19 | ± 0.70 | 4.15 | ± 0.69 |
ADCPES mean cheat frequency score | 1.11 | ± 0.31 | 1.11 | ± 0.18 |
ADCPES mean seriousness rating score | 4.59 | ± 0.64 | 4.57 | ± 0.57 |
MDSP Factor 1: Authoritative standards | 15.55 | ± 1.87 | 15.18 | ± 2.09 |
MDSP Factor 2: Public meaning | 11.77 | ± 1.37 | 11.90 | ± 1.46 |
MDSP Factor 3: Moral practice | 14.03 | ± 2.34 | 13.22 | ± 2.69 |
MDSP Factor 4: Common values | 9.91 | ± 1.55 | 9.27 | ± 1.77 |
ADTC Scale 1: Tendency towards cheating | 3.83 | ± 0.52 | 3.79 | ± 0.44 |
ADTC Scale 2: Tendency towards dishonesty in assignments, essays and studies such as projects | 3.13 | ± 0.59 | 3.03 | ± 0.35 |
ADTC Scale 3: Tendency towards dishonesty in the process of doing and reporting research | 3.88 | ± 0.65 | 4.00 | ± 0.53 |
ADTC Scale 4: Tendency towards dishonesty in providing appropriate references and acknowledgements | 3.11 | ± 0.57 | 2.95 | ± 0.44 |
PASS Factor 1: Pressures to perform | 15.01 | ± 3.04 | 15.15 | ± 2.98 |
PASS Factor 2: Perceptions of workload and examinations | 10.48 | ± 2.72 | 11.39 | ± 2.69 |
PASS Factor 3: Self-perceptions | 13.99 | ± 2.37 | 14.75 | ± 2.26 |
PASS Factor 4: Time restraints | 14.66 | ± 2.84 | 14.77 | ± 2.90 |
UG: undergraduate; GEM: graduate-entry masters; SD: standard deviation; ADS: Academic Dishonesty Scale; ADCS: Academic Dishonesty in the Classroom Setting Scale; ADCPES: Academic Dishonesty in the Clinical/Practice Education Setting Scale; MDSP: Moral Development Scale for Professionals; ADTC: Academic Dishonesty Tendency Scale; PASS: Perceived Academic Sources of Stress.