Table 4.
Before bootstrapping |
bootstrappinga |
Bb | SE B | β | t | p | PC | PC2 | SE B | p | BCa 95 % CI Lower | BCa 95 % CI Upper | |
Predictors of UG students | |||||||||||
(Constant) | 56.945 | 13.719 | .001 | 8.237 | .001 | 43.478 | 71.761 | ||||
PASS Factor 4: Time restraints | .008 | .127 | .003 | .066 | .947 | .003 | na | .148 | .958 | –.273 | .268 |
PASS Factor 2: Perceptions of workload and examinations | –.186 | .138 | –.073 | –1.356 | .176 | –.051 | na | .145 | .202 | –.482 | .106 |
PASS Factor 1: Pressures to perform | –.231 | .110 | .110 | –2.106 | .036c | –.080 | .0064 | .152 | .130 | –.591 | .085 |
Scale 1: Tendency towards cheating | –2.131 | .590 | –.157 | –3.612 | .001c | –.137 | .0188 | .779 | .005c | –3.668 | –.677 |
ADTC Scale 2: Tendency towards dishonesty in assignments, essays and studies such as projects | .224 | .530 | .019 | .423 | .672 | .0165 | na | .458 | .618 | –.598 | 1.014 |
ADTC Scale 3: Tendency towards dishonesty in the process of doing and reporting research | –2.199 | .456 | –.204 | –4.725 | .001c | –.179 | .0320 | .677 | .001c | –3.630 | –.876 |
ADTC Scale 4: Tendency towards dishonesty in providing appropriate references and acknowledgements | –.287 | .533 | –.024 | –.539 | .590 | –.020 | na | .535 | .596 | –1.309 | .798 |
No. of hours of direct time spent attending occupational therapy education programme each week | –.110 | .052 | –0.83 | –2.130 | .034c | –.087 | .0076 | .044 | .012c | –.189 | –.029 |
No. of hours of indirect time spent attending occupational therapy education programme each week | –.023 | .030 | –.030 | –.769 | .442 | –.029 | na | .026 | .371 | –.069 | .025 |
No. of hours per week spent in paid employment while attending your occupational therapy education programme | .059 | .033 | .069 | 1.771 | .077 | .067 | na | .034 | .086 | –.013 | .125 |
Grade point average | –.051 | .295 | –.007 | –.172 | .864 | –.007 | na | .314 | .886 | –.725 | .557 |
MDSP Factor 1 Authoritative standards | –.199 | .156 | –.053 | –1.277 | .202 | –.048 | na | .135 | .144 | –.460 | .080 |
MDSP Factor 2 Public meaning | –.092 | .216 | –.018 | –.425 | .671 | –.016 | na | .254 | .692 | –.635 | .477 |
MDSP Factor 3 More practice | .053 | .148 | .018 | .357 | .721 | .014 | na | .154 | .750 | –.240 | .338 |
MDSP Factor 4 Common values | –.460 | .235 | –.102 | –1.961 | .050c | –.074 | na | .313 | .145 | –1.126 | .180 |
Predictors of GEM students | |||||||||||
(Constant) | 9.507 | 6.382 | 1.490 | .140 | 6.392 | .138 | –3.182 | 22.197 | |||
Age | –.529 | .422 | –.130 | –1.255 | .213 | –.135 | na | .412 | .215 | –1.367 | .309 |
MDSP Factor 1 Authoritative standards | .003 | .260 | .001 | .010 | .992 | .001 | na | .265 | .982 | –.515 | .520 |
MDSP Factor 2 Public meaning | .371 | .384 | .108 | .965 | .337 | .104 | na | .374 | .327 | –.393 | 1.134 |
MDSP Factor 3 More practice | .031 | .286 | .016 | .107 | .915 | .012 | na | .266 | .919 | –.538 | .599 |
MDSP Factor 4 Common values | .629 | .475 | .223 | 1.323 | .189 | .142 | na | .465 | .193 | –.316 | 1.573 |
PASS Factor 1: Pressures to perform | .379 | .182 | .226 | 2.081 | .040c | .220 | .0484 | .185 | .045c | .017 | .741 |
aUnless otherwise noted, bootstrap results are based on 1000 bootstrap samples.
bB remained unchanged after bootstrapping.
cStatistically significant p-values (p < 0.05).
GEM: graduate-entry masters; Constant: y-intercepts of regression line; B: unstandardised beta coefficient; SE B: standard error for the unstandardised beta; β: standardised beta; t: the t test statistic; CI: confidence interval; PC: Part Correlation; PC2: Part Correlation Squared; BCa: bias-corrected and accelerated; MDSP: Moral Development Scale for Professionals; ADTC: Academic Dishonesty Tendency Scale; PASS: Perceived Academic Sources of Stress; na: not applicable.