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. 2021 Mar 30;70:102892. doi: 10.1016/j.scs.2021.102892

Table 2.

Factors that correlated with a city’s time to contain the spread of COVID-19 (benchmark results).

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
VARIABLES time time time time time
lninflow 1.033*** 1.074** 1.180*** 1.150*** 1.048**
(0.223) (0.332) (0.265) (0.255) (0.342)
lnpopu 3.574*** 3.217**
(0.679) (1.154)
lnGDP 3.226*** 1.240
(0.868) (1.171)
lngarbage 2.798*** 2.934***
(0.671) (0.594)
lndensity 0.628 2.322*** 2.152*** −0.084
(0.855) (0.522) (0.410) (1.195)
lnGDPp −2.206 0.987 0.713
(1.795) (1.055) (0.947)
bidoctor −0.012*** −0.012*** −0.012*** −0.012*** −0.013**
(0.003) (0.003) (0.002) (0.002) (0.003)
hubei 6.771*** 6.791*** 6.819*** 6.537***
(0.729) (1.393) (1.152) (1.254)
SARS −0.071
Constant 0.169 13.608 −26.972* −22.605* −10.930
(2.329) (22.903) (13.828) (11.030) (20.716)

Observations 119 117 117 106 109
R-squared 0.627 0.653 0.635 0.531 0.633

Notes: (1) The t value in parentheses is calculated by using the Chinese 7 major geographic regions level clustering robust standard error; (2) *, **, *** are statistically significant at the 10 %, 5%, and 1% levels, respectively.