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. 2021 Apr;18(4):598–605. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.202006-590OC

Table 2.

Multivariable logistic regression analyses of the cross-sectional study sample

  No. Exposed No. with ILD (%) Adjusted OR* 95% CI P Value
RF/ACPA seropositivity  RF/ACPA 341 6 (1.8) Ref.
 RF+/ACPA or RF/ACPA+ 384 10 (2.6) 1.48 0.52–4.24 0.46
 RF+/ACPA+ 1,603 84 (5.2) 2.90 1.24–6.78 0.01
RF titer analyses
 RF titer category   Negative 535 8 (1.5) Ref.
  Low positive (15–45 IU/ml) 363 17 (4.7) 2.69 1.11–6.51 0.03
  High positive (>45 IU/ml) 1,430 75 (5.2) 3.40 1.61–7.18 0.001
 RF titer quartiles   1 583 9 (1.5) Ref.
  2 582 22 (3.8) 2.16 0.96–4.83 0.06
  3 581 21 (3.6) 2.27 1.02–5.05 0.04
  4 582 48 (8.3) 5.44 2.60–11.41 <0.001
 Log-transformed RF titer   Per 1 log-transformed unit 1.40 1.22–1.59 <0.001
ACPA titer analyses
 ACPA titer category   Negative 531 14 (2.6) Ref.
  Low positive (5–15 U/ml) 94 1 (1.1) 0.41 0.05–3.16 0.39
  High positive (>15 U/ml) 1,703 85 (5.0) 1.91 1.04–3.49 0.04
 ACPA titer quartiles   1 582 15 (2.6) Ref.
  2 582 18 (3.1) 1.32 0.64–2.70 0.45
  3 582 29 (5.0) 1.95 1.01–3.78 0.05
  4 582 38 (6.5) 2.48 1.31–4.68 0.005
 Log-transformed ACPA titer   Per 1 log-transformed unit 1.17 1.05–1.30 0.004

Definition of abbreviations: ACPA = anti–citrullinated protein antibody; CI = confidence interval; DAS28 = Disease Activity Score in 28 Joints; ILD = interstitial lung disease; No. = number; OR = odds ratio; RA = rheumatoid arthritis; Ref. = reference; RF = rheumatoid factor.


Multivariable models are adjusted for age at enrollment, sex, race (white, African American, or other), smoking history, RA disease duration, and baseline articular disease severity (DAS28).