(A) Fitness effects of all single-residue substitutions in five motifs.
Red and blue indicate better and worse performance, respectively, relative to
the wild-type motif; each panel is scaled to its own maximum and minimum.
Diagonal lines depict standard errors, scaled such that the highest value covers
the entire diagonal. Circles denote wild-type residues. Data represent three
independent experiments. See Figure S4 for analyses with four other cyclins.
(B) Sequence logos showing relative preferences of
ScCLN2 along motifs in panel A.
(C) Number of inactivating mutations (defined as normalized scores
within 15% of minimum; see Methods) at
each position in 4 “typical” motifs (i.e., excluding Whi5). Also
see Figure S5.
(D) Pearson correlation coefficients (r) for all pair-wise comparisons
of cyclins, calculated from the raw fitness score matrices for all 5 motifs.