Sex-differences in T cell and macrophage subtypes in PVATs before the development of hypertension. Subtypes of CD4+, CD8 + T cells and CD68+ macrophages in MRPVAT and APVAT of both sexes at 10 weeks on diet (before hypertension) were quantified by flow cytometry. Subtypes of CD4 + : CD4 + CD25 +, CD4 + OX40 +, CD4 + Foxp3 +, CD4 + CD45RC- and CD4 + CD45RC + cells (A,D), CD8 + T: CD8 + CD25 +, CD8 + OX40 +, CD8 + Foxp3 +, CD8 + CD45RC- and CD8 + CD45RC + cells (B,E), and CD68 + CD68 + CD163 + and CD68 + CD86 + MHCII + macrophages (C,F) were measured. Bars represent means ± SEM for the absolute cell counts of each immune cell type, normalized to tissue weight (in milligram). Number of animals is indicated by N. A P < 0.05 by two-way ANOVA with Tukey’s test for multiple comparison, was considered statistically significant. * and † inside/outside the stacks in the graph represent a significant difference in the specific stack of immune cells/sum total of immune cells between the sexes within each diet and between the diets within each sex respectively.