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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: Kidney Int. 2020 Oct 31;99(4):926–939. doi: 10.1016/j.kint.2020.09.030

Table 1 |. Six loci from the genome-wide and candidate-based search for association with Rapid3 or CKDi25.

Shown are (A) the significant lead variants from the GWAS (genome-wide significance, P-value<5.0×10−8) and (B) the significant variants from the candidate-based approach inquiring the 265 variants reported for cross-sectional eGFRcrea17 (Bonferroni-corrected significance, P-value<0.05/265≈1.89×10−4).

Rapid3 CKDi25

RSID Chr:Position Identifying analysis Locus name EA/OA EAF OR P OR P Locus/signal no. Reference variant (R2)

(A) Genome-wide search (genome-wide significance, P-value<5×10−8)

rs13329952 16:20,366,507 Rapid3 [UMOD-PDILT] t/c 0.79 1.101 2.35×10−17 1.203 6.22×10−30 1.1
rs12922822 16:20,367,645 CKDi25 c/t 0.81 1.103 1.13×10−16 1.224 3.51×10−33 rs13329952 (0.91)
rs77924615 16:20,392,332 CKDi25 2nd (a) [UMOD-PDILT] g/a 0.79 1.023 0.0384 1.112 2.98×10−10 1.2
rs77593734 15:54,002,606 CKDi25 [WDR72] t/c 0.72 1.040 1.18×10−4 1.102 1.42×10−11 2
rs56012466 7:151,406,788 CKDi25 [PRKAG2] a/g 0.27 1.041 1.12×10−4 1.090 1.53×10−9 3
rs141809766 9:35,937,931 Rapid3 [OR2S2] g/a 0.02 1.222 5.94×10−9 1.065 0.252 4

(B) Candidate approach based on 265 (c) reported lead variants from cross-sectional eGFRcrea GWAS (significance P-value<0.05/265≈1.89×10−4)

rs34882080 (b) 16:20,361,441 CKDi25; Rapid3 [UMOD-PDILT] a/g 0.81 1.100 1.11×10−15 1.216 2.98×10−31 1.1 rs12922822 (0.99)
rs77924615 16:20,392,332 CKDi25; Rapid3 [UMOD-PDILT] g/a 0.79 1.084 1.40×10−10 1.256 1.29×10−28 1.2
rs690428 15:53,950,578 CKDi25 [WDR72] a/c 0.71 1.027 0.0117 1.078 1.46×10−5 2 rs77593734 (0.42)
rs10254101 7:151,415,536 CKDi25 [PRKAG2] t/c 0.28 1.037 5.35×10−4 1.087 4.32×10−9 3 rs56012466 (0.84)
rs80282103 10:899,071 CKDi25 [LARP4B] t/a 0.08 1.027 0.100 1.103 2.97×10−5 5
rs1145077 15:45,683,795 Rapid3 [GATM] t/g 0.40 1.038 7.94×10−5 1.042 1.93×10−3 6 rs1145089 (0.99)

RSID=Variant identifier on GRCh37, Chr:Position=Chromosome and Position on GRCh37, Identifying analysis=Trait und analysis for which the variant was identified with significant association (“2nd“ indicating the second signal analysis), Locus name=Nearest gene, stated in brackets to distinguish from gene and protein names, EA=Effect allele: cross-sectional eGFRcrea-lowering allele, OA=Other allele, EAF=Effect allele frequency, OR=Odds ratio, P=Genomic control corrected association P-value, Locus/ signal no.=Locus number and signal number highlighting that four of the six candidate-based identified variants capture the same locus/signal as the GWAS, Reference variant (R2)=Variant to which the identified variant is compared to in terms of correlation (spearman correlation coefficient squared). (a) Stated are OR and P-value for Rapid3 and CKDi25 adjusted for the lead variant of the respective primary GWAS (rs13329952 or rs12922822). Unadjusted OR=1.08 and 1.26 (P-value=1.40×10−10 and 1.29×10−28) for Rapid3 and CKDi25, respectively; (b) Lead variant of 2nd signal in [UMOD-PDILT] from cross-sectional eGFRcrea analysis in European ancestry17; (c) 264 reported lead variants plus the lead variant of the 2nd signal in [UMOD-PDILT] from cross-sectional eGFRcrea GWAS17.