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. 2021 Feb 17;100(5):101066. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2021.101066

Table 4.

Effects of dietary treatments on egg quality parameters of laying hens at 62 wk of age.

Basal diet MC1 level BG2 level Albumin height
Haugh unit Yolk weight
Yolk color Shell weight
Shell thickness
mm g g mm kg/cm2
Corn 5.68 68.92 17.95 7.25 6.37 0.336 3.36
Corn + 6.01 73.16 18.50 7.38 6.25 0.358 3.44
Corn + 5.80 70.72 19.28 8.00 6.33 0.355 3.35
Corn + + 5.85 69.06 19.09 7.25 6.50 0.352 3.31
Wheat 5.46 68.91 18.61 6.13 5.83 0.314 3.06
Wheat + 5.81 73.85 18.67 6.63 6.19 0.337 3.31
Wheat + 6.05 70.99 18.67 6.38 6.24 0.342 3.54
Wheat + + 6.19 71.98 18.77 6.88 6.14 0.354 3.60
SEM 0.361 2.06 0.440 0.645 0.224 0.0088 0.129
Main effect means
 Basal diet
 Corn 5.83 70.47 18.70 7.47a 6.36 0.350a 3.37
 Wheat 5.88 71.43 18.68 6.50b 6.09 0.337b 3.38
 SEM 0.181 1.03 0.219 0.322 0.112 0.0044 0.064
 MC level
 − 5.74 71.21 18.43 6.84 6.16 0.336b 3.30
 + 5.97 70.68 18.95 7.13 6.30 0.351a 3.45
 SEM 0.181 1.03 0.219 0.322 0.112 0.0044 0.064
 BG level
 − 5.75 69.88 18.63 6.94 6.19 0.337b 3.33
 + 5.97 72.01 18.76 7.03 6.27 0.350a 3.42
 SEM 0.181 1.03 0.219 0.322 0.112 0.0044 0.064
 Basal diet 0.865 0.510 0.939 0.038 0.099 0.032 0.898
 MC level 0.369 0.718 0.100 0.540 0.363 0.024 0.089
 BG level 0.395 0.150 0.678 0.838 0.623 0.035 0.336
 Diet × MC 0.332 0.668 0.163 0.946 0.819 0.191 0.019
 Diet × BG 0.922 0.569 0.867 0.377 0.738 0.503 0.463
 MC × BG 0.527 0.097 0.579 0.633 0.792 0.138 0.403
 Diet × MC × BG 0.942 0.741 0.531 0.633 0.239 0.611 0.855

a,bMeans within each column with no common superscript differ (P < 0.05).




Butyrate glycerides.


Eggshell breaking strength.