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[Preprint]. 2021 Mar 24:2021.03.18.21253778. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2021.03.18.21253778

Table 2:

Populations and COVID-19 outcomes for alpha-1 blocker (T) and 5ARI/PDE5 (C) user cohorts. We report population size, total exposure time, outcome events (Covid diagnosis, hospitalization, and intensive services) and minimally detectable risk ratio (MDRR). MDRR is provided only for Covid diagnosis due to the space constraint. The database abbreviations are defined under the heading Data Sources in the Method section.

Patients Time (years) Diagnosis Hospital Intensive MDRR (Diagnosis)
Stratified analysis
SIDIAP 11,793 1,318 4,162 471 334 51 132 20 0 0 1.61
VA 360,802 54,723 189,564 29,642 1,854 236 636 96 111 12 1.20
CUIMC 2,414 582 338 84 27 <5 16 <5 0 0 4.53
OpenClaims 1,995,594 366,734 817,994 160,225 4,809 767 2.621 407 0 0 1.11
Optum DOD 241,842 39,032 56,438 9.613 193 47 131 35 18 6 1.69
Optum EHR 15,275 2,136 1,031 149 50 7 32 5 <5 0 3.10
Matched analysis
SIDIAP 8,994 1,315 3,211 471 275 51 115 20 0 0 1.59
VA 312,522 54,642 165,688 29,600 1,485 236 495 96 92 12 1.21
CUIMC 1,873 520 261 74 18 <5 11 <5 0 0 6.58
OpenClaims 1,873,014 365,534 774,635 159,742 4,351 764 2,361 407 0 0 1.11
Optum DOD 218,032 38,988 51,451 9,602 175 47 118 35 18 6 1.69
Optum EHR 12,303 2,114 848 148 33 7 19 5 <5 0 3.50