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. 2021 Mar 29;49(3):0300060521996911. doi: 10.1177/0300060521996911

Table 1.

Characteristics of the 23 studies included in a meta-analysis to evaluate the risk factors for postoperative hypocalcaemia after thyroidectomy in adult patients.3,9,10,1534

Author Country Study design Patientsn Rate of postoperative hypocalcaemia, % NOS score Risk factors
Liu et al., 202015 USA Retrospective cross-sectional analysis 126 766 30-day follow-up after surgery: 19.1% 7 Age, female, vitamin D deficiency, concurrent lateral neck dissection, concurrent central neck dissection, intraoperative parathyroid, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, magnesium disorders
1-year follow-up after surgery: 4.4%
Lale et al., 201916 Turkey Retrospective case control 818 Permanent hypocalcaemia (>1 year): 26.7% 6 Female, specimen weight, substernal localization, cervical lymph node dissection (CLND)
Transient hypocalcaemia (calcium level <8 mg/dl at 24 and 72 h after thyroidectomy): 1.7%
Carvalho et al., 201917 Brazil Retrospective cohort study 1347 Hypocalcaemia: 21% 6 Neck dissection, malignancy, sex, age, preoperative total calcium, preoperative parathyroid hormone (PTH); preoperative vitamin D, central compartment dissection
Wang W et al., 201918 China Retrospective cohort study 242 Hypocalcaemia: 60% 6 Sex, extent of surgery, hypoparathyroidism, lymph node dissection, hypomagnesemia, preoperative calcium
Falch et al., 201819 Germany Retrospective case study 702 Postoperative biochemical hypocalcaemia (48 h): 22.8% 5 Symptomatic hypocalcaemia, female, parathyroid reimplantation, surgery time (≥189 min), thyreostatic drug therapy
Persistent biochemical hypocalcaemia (>6 months): 6.8%
Docimo et al., 20179 Italy Retrospective case control 328 Symptomatic hypocalcaemia: 7.9% 7 Malignant pathology, central compartment neck dissection (CCND)
Transient hypocalcaemia: 14.6%
Permanent hypocalcaemia: 0.6%
Luo et al., 201720 China Retrospective case control 304 Biochemical hypocalcaemia: 26.9% 5 Female, postoperative hypomagnesaemia, postoperative iPTH < 1.6 pmol/l, relative decline of iPTH > 70%
Symptomatic hypocalcaemia: not reported
Wang X et al., 201721 China Retrospective case control 237 Biochemical hypocalcaemia: 52.3% 6 Bilateral CCND, modified radical neck dissection (MRND), parathyroid gland autotransplantation, hypoparathyroidism, hypomagnesaemia
Symptomatic hypocalcaemia: 33.8%
Cho et al., 201622 Korea Retrospective cohort study 1030 Transient hypocalcaemia: 28.2% 6 Age, female, central neck dissection (CND), MRND, extent of CND (bilateral), operation time, implant of parathyroid gland, parathyroid gland in pathology
Permanent hypocalcaemia: 2.6%
Nellis et al., 201623 USA Retrospective cohort study 620 744 Hypocalcaemia 6% 8 Magnesium disorder, phosphate disorder, female, age, Medicaid payor status, thyroid cancer, total thyroidectomy, neck dissection, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, high-volume surgeon
Garrahy et al., 201610 Ireland Retrospective cohort study 201 Biochemical hypocalcaemia: 22.9% 7 Cancer diagnosis, central neck dissection, hypomagnesaemia, inadvertent parathyroid resection
Symptomatic hypocalcaemia: 12.4%
Bove et al., 201624 Italy Retrospective cohort study 142 Temporary hypocalcaemia: 33% 6 Substernal goitre
Permanent hypocalcaemia: 2.8%
Lee et al., 201525 Korea Retrospective case study 134 Laboratory preoperative calcaemia: 39% 6 Age, female, body mass index, preoperative calcium, preoperative PTH, vitamin D (< 20 ng/ml), vitamin D (< 10 ng/ml), selective neck dissection, incidental parathyroidectomy
Symptomatic preoperative calcaemia: 19%
Al-Khatib et al., 201526 Saudi Arabia Retrospective cohort study. 213 Laboratory hypocalcaemia: 19.7% 6 Postoperative serum PTH, preoperative serum 25(OH)D < 25 nmol/l
Clinical hypocalcaemia: 17.8%
Praženica et al., 201527 Ireland Prospective cohort study 788 Temporary hypocalcaemia: 23.9% 8 Sex, age, preoperative diagnosis benign, biclamp haemostasis, thyroid gland weight, substernal extension, tracheal deviation, operation time, multinodular goitre, Graves’ disease, Hashimoto thyroiditis, thyroid cancer, incidental parathyroidectomy
Symptomatic hypocalcaemia: 14.0%
Diez et al., 201328 Spain Prospective cohort study 113 Hypocalcaemia: 38.90% 6 Preoperative vitamin D < 15 ng/ml, postoperative PTH < 13 pg/ml
Baldassarre et al., 201229 USA Retrospective case study 118 375 Hypocalcaemia: 5.50% 8 Age, female, ethnicity, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific islander, native American, total thyroidectomy, thyroidectomy with unilateral neck dissection, thyroidectomy with bilateral neck dissection, complete substernal thyroidectomy, partial substernal thyroidectomy, substernal thyroidectomy, isthmectomy, partial thyroidectomy, length of stay (per day), nonteaching hospital, malignant neoplasm of thyroid gland
Turanli et al., 200930 Turkey Retrospective cohort study 417 Permanent hypocalcaemia: 7.7% 7 Incidental parathyroidectomy, extrathyroidal soft tissue invasion
Erbil et al., 200931 Turkey Prospective cohort study 200 Symptomatic hypocalcaemia: 73% 6 Age (> 50 years); preoperative serum 25-OHD level < 15 ng/ml
Asymptomatic hypocalcaemia: 27%
Wang Y et al., 201732 China Retrospective case study 278 Hypocalcaemia: 27.30% 8 Age (years), lateral lymph node dissection, lobectomy plus isthmusectomy versus lobectomy, near-total thyroidectomy versus lobectomy, total thyroidectomy versus lobectomy, injected versus non-injected, female, preoperative PTH levels
Aqtashi et al., 201733 Switzerland Retrospective cohort study 34 Hypocalcaemia: 33% 6 Operation interval, preoperative PTH, preoperative calcium
Lin et al., 20173 Taiwan Retrospective case study 3186 Hypocalcaemia: 30.90% 7 Age, female, multituberous goitre, Graves’ disease, malignant tumours, total thyroidectomy, reoperation, central cervical lymph node, thyroid malignancy
Tongol et al., 201634 Philippines Retrospective case study 242 Symptomatic hypocalcaemia: 10.74% 7 Age, sex, thyroid disease (toxic, nontoxic or malignant), thyroid gland weight in grams, presence concomitant complication of thyroidectomy Hoarseness and/or haematoma, type of surgery (total thyroidectomy), neck dissection, duration of surgery in hours, inadvertent parathyroidectomy
Asymptomatic hypocalcaemia: 1.24%

NOS, Newcastle–Ottawa Scale.