Figure 7.
Probability of reaching NF stage 62 (P(NF62)) by day 22 based on plasma thyroxine (T4) levels at 7 and 10 d of exposure (A and B, respectively). Regressions were informed by the Bayesian networks; if a treatment was identified as a covariate of metamorphic success, it was used as a factor in the resulting regression and then plotted with a separate trend line. A test for goodness of fit fails to indicate a lack of fit for both models with p-values of 0.41 (A) and 0.092 (B). Note that plasma T4 was only identified as a covariate of metamorphic success at days 7 and 10 (Figure 6C and 6D). Plasma T4 values that were <LLOQ (0.0644 nM) are overlapping in the lower left and include all three replicates of MMI:High, MMI:Med, and MBT:High. MMI, methimazole; MBT, mercaptobenzothiazole; PTU, propylthiouracil; Con, control; MMI:Low, 55 μM; MMI:Med, 110 μM; MMI:High, 220 μM; MBT:Low, 0.18 μM; MBT:Med, 0.54 μM; MBT:High, 1.6 μM; PTU:Low, 13 μM; PTU:Med, 39 μM; PTU:High, 117.5 μM.