Probability of reaching NF stage 62 (P(NF62)) by day 22 based on plasma thyroxine (T4) and sodium-iodide symporter (NIS) gene expression in thyroid tissue at 10 d of exposure post NF 53/54. To visually compare this model to models only using plasma T4, the predicated marginal influence of NIS gene expression in thyroid tissue on P(NF62) is converted into an equivalent amount of plasma T4 and added to plasma T4 for each sample in such a way to preserve the marginal relationship between plasma T4 and P(NF62). A test for goodness of fit fails to indicate a lack of fit for this model (p-value = 0.055). MMI, methimazole; MBT, mercaptobenzothiazole; PTU, propylthiouracil; MMI:Low, 55 μM; MMI:Med, 110 μM; MMI:High, 220 μM; MBT:Low, 0.18 μM; MBT:Med, 0.54 μM; MBT:High, 1.6 μM; PTU:Low, 13 μM; PTU:Med, 39 μM; PTU:High, 117.5 μM.