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. 2021 Mar 31;27:31. doi: 10.1186/s10020-021-00291-6

Table 5.

The values of relative quantity for gene expression in shear force and neutral environments; Comparison between AVMs and normal arterial vasculatures, types of environments were controlled

f(dCt) AVMs
NE Mean 0.251 0.111 3.994 7.912 11.677 5.228
SD 0.114 0.069 0.499 2.591 1.829 1.371
RQ 2.265 (0.0278)* 0.505 (0.0132)* 2.234 (0.0000)***
t  − 2.5716* 3.6374*  − 6.9119***
SF Mean 1.278 0.181 1.658 8.313 29.074 13.373
SD 0.319 0.052 0.400 2.985 9.836 1.852
RQ 7.052 (0.0003)*** 0.199 (0.0026)** 2.174 (0.0106)*
t  − 8.3077*** 5.4133**  − 3.8424*

AGP2 Angiopoietin2, AQP1 Aquaporin1, TGFβR1 tissue growth factor beta receptor1, AVMs Arteriovenous malformations, NA normal arterial vasculatures, NE neutral environments, SF Shear force state, SD standard deviation, RQ relative quantity RQ=avm.f(dCt)normal.f(dCt)

*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001