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. 2021 Mar 2;94(1119):20201047. doi: 10.1259/bjr.20201047

Table 1.

Patients’ baseline characteristics

Training cohort (n = 218) Test cohort (n = 95) pa
(n = 30)
(n = 188)
(n = 14)
(n = 81)
Age, y, mean (SD) 64.0 (9.1). 62.6 (12.0) 0.541 56.6 (8.6) 63.1 ± 11.9 0.022 0.657
Male 22 (73.3) 106 (56.4) 0.080 8 (57.1) 46 (56.8) 0.98 0.757
Medical history
 Arterial hypertension 26 (86.7) 159(85) 1 11 (78.6) 69 (88.5) 0.384 0.695
 Diabetes mellitus 6 (20) 31 (16.6) 0.644 3 (21.4) 15 (19.2) 1 0.597
 ICH 1 (3.3) 8 (4.3) 1 2 (14.3) 3 (3.8) 0.165 0.765
 Ischemic stroke 3 (10) 10 (5.3) 0.397 0 6 (7.7) 0.586 0.859
 IVH 4 (13.3) 71 (37.8) 0.009 3 (21.4) 29 (35.8) 0.37 0.902
 Black hole sign 5 (16.7) 10 (5.3) 0.039 4 (28.6) 2 (2.5) 0.004 0.854
 Blend sign 3 (10) 5 (2.7) 0.082 3 (21.4) 3 (3.7) 0.04 0.372
 Island sign 2 (6.7) 6 (3.2) 0.303 0 3 (3.7) 1 1
 Satellite sign 9 (30) 29 (15.4) 0.051 2 (14.3) 16 (19.8) 1 0.748
Location 0.851 0.084 0.279
 Deep 25 (83.3) 154 (81.9) 8 (57.1) 65 (80.2)
 Other 55 (16.7) 34 (18.1) 6 (42.9) 16 (19.8)
 Hematoma volume, ml, mean (SD) 5.3 (3.0) 5.7 (2.6) 0.431 5.8 (3.6) 6.2 (2.5) 0.637 0.204
 Time from onset to CT, h, mean (SD) 2.6 (1.4) 3.1 (1.5) 0.073 2.2 (1.3) 3.2 (1.5) 0.02 0.853
 Admission GCS score, median (IQR) 14 (10.5–15) 15 (14–15) 0.066 15 (11–15) 15 (12–15) 0.928 0.156
 R-score, median (IQR) −1.257
<0.001 −1.461
  • 2.097

  • (−2.824–1.388)

<0.001 1
 Poor outcome 23 (76.7) 87 (46.3) 0.002 10 (71.4) 48 (59.3) 0.389 0.084

GCS, Glasgow coma scale; HE, Hematoma expansion; ICH, Intracerebral hemorrhage; IQR, Interquartile range; IVH, Intraventricular hemorrhage; NHE, Non-hematoma expansion; R-score, Radiomic score; SD, Standard deviation.

All values are presented as count (%) unless otherwise specified.


Indicates comparison between the training and test cohorts.