Fig. 2.
Percentages and distributions of GCs having expression triggered by AAV-GABRα6. a Confocal images (left) of fixed cerebellar sagittal slices having GFP expression (green) and stained with an antibody of Kv4.2 (purple). Bar graphs (right) show percentages of GFP-positive GCs among all GCs. Expression of GFP was triggered by the injection of AAV-GABRα6-GFP on the indicated postnatal days. b Examples of normalized red fluorescence intensity in 100 GCs selected in dT images of slices that were labeled by injecting at P7 (top), P9 (middle), or P13 (bottom). Twenty GCs with the highest intensity were considered dT-positive GCs and 20 GCs with the lowest intensity were considered other GCs. c Distribution of GFP intensity in the ML (colored lines) and GFP-positive GCs in the GCL (colored filled circles) along anterior–posterior axis (N = 4, 4, or 3 mice for D-GCs, M-GCs, or S-GCs, respectively). d Normalized positions of individual GFP-positive D-GCs, M-GCs, and S-GCs. No significant difference (n.s.) was detected in GC soma distribution between the three groups of GCs (p = 0.574, ANOVA). The x-axes in c and d show normalized position from the edge of Purkinje cell somas (0) to edge of ML (100), or from boundary between WM and GCL (0) to edge of Purkinje cell somas (100)