Table 2.
Summary of Empirical Metal Bioavailability Models
Metal/Species | Endpoint | Modela | N | Adj. R2 | Reference |
Aluminum | |||||
Ceriodaphnia dubia | Chronic | ln(EC20) = −41.026 + (0.525 × ln[DOC]) + (2.201 × ln[Hard]) + (11.282 × pH) – (0.663 × pH2) – (0.262[ln(Hard) × pH]) | 23 | 0.73 | DeForest et al. 2018, USEPA 2017 |
Pimephales promelas | Chronic | ln(EC20) = −14.029 + (0.503 × ln[DOC]) + (3.443 × ln[Hard]) + (3.131 × pH) – (0.494[ln(Hard) × pH]) | 22 | 0.87 | DeForest et al. 2018, USEPA 2017 |
Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata | Chronic | ln(EC20) = −61.952 + (1.678 × ln[DOC]) + (4.007 × ln[Hard]) + (17.019 × pH) – (1.020 × pH2) – (2.04[ln(DOC) × pH]) – (0.556[ln(Hard) × pH]) | 27 | 0.96 | DeForest et al. 2018, USEPA 2017 |
Copper | |||||
Pimephales promelas | Acute | log(LC50) = −0.308 + (0.192 × pH) + (0.136[pH × log DOC]) | 21 | 0.92 b | Welsh et al. 1993, 1996 |
Pimephales promelas | Acute | log(LC50) = −0.856 + (0.166 × pH) + (0.095[pH × log DOC]) + (0.237 × Ca) | 18 | 0.82 b | Welsh et al. 1993, 1996 |
Pimephales promelas | Acute | log(LC50) = −1.003 + (0.195 × pH) + (0.104[pH × log(DOC)]) + (0.211 × Ca) | 17 | 0.82 b | Welsh et al. 1993, 1996 |
Pimephales promelas | Acute | log(LC50) = −1.003 + (0.195 × pH) + (0.104[pH × log(DOC)]) + (0.211 × Ca) | 18 | 0.79 b | Welsh et al. 1993, 1996 |
Pimephales promelas | Acute | log(LC50) = −0.426 +( 0.061 × pH) + (0.005[pH × log(colour)]) + (0.116 × Hard) | 17 | 0.89 b | Welsh et al. 1993, 1996 |
Daphnia magna | Acute | EC50[Cu2+] (nM) = 308 + (42.6 × Ca [mM]) – (41.3 × pH) | 25 | 0.53 b | De Schamphelaere et al. 2002 |
Daphnia magna | Chronic | NOEC = −160.5 + (7.652 × DOC [mg/L]) + (25.50 × pH) | 35 | 0.75 b | De Schamphelaere and Janssen 2004 |
Daphnia magna | Chronic | EC50 (μg/L) = −212.4 + (10.41 × DOC [mg/L]) + (34.36 × pH) | 35 | 0.76 b | De Schamphelaere and Janssen 2004 |
Pomacea paludosa | Acute | log(LC50) = 0.540 + (0.008 × Age [d]) + (0.024 × DOC) + (0.120 × pH) | 14 | 0.92 b | Rogevich et al. 2008 |
Ceriodaphnia dubia | Acute | ln(LC50) = −9.535 + (6.703 × ln[DOC]) + (0.144 × ln[Hard]) + (1.511 × pH) – (0.776[ln(DOC) × pH]) | 87 | 0.78 | Brix et al. 2017 |
Daphnia magna | Acute | ln(LC50) = −4.005 + (0.947 × ln[DOC]) – (0.254 × ln[Hard]) + (0.628 × pH) + (0.101[ln(Hard) × pH]) | 307 | 0.87 | Brix et al. 2017 |
Daphnia obtusa | Acute | ln(LC50) = −6.245 + (4.224 × ln[DOC]) + (0.139 × ln[Hard]) + (1.131 × pH) – (0.353[ln(DOC) × pH]) – (0.171[ln(DOC) × ln(Hard)]) | 53 | 0.89 | Brix et al. 2017 |
Daphnia pulex | Acute | ln(LC50) = −9.932 + (0.6931 × ln[DOC]) + (0.172 × ln[Hard]) + (1.502 × pH) – (0.782[ln(DOC) × pH]) | 35 | 0.92 | Brix et al. 2017 |
Pimephales promelas | Acute | ln(LC50) = −6.744 + (1.620 × ln[DOC]) + (1.065 × ln[Hard]) + (0.925 × pH) – (0.241[ln(DOC) × ln(Hard)]) | 206 | 0.80 | Brix et al. 2017 |
Daphnia magna | Chronic | ln(EC20) = 0.200 + (0.848 × ln[DOC]) + (0.235 × ln[Hard]) + (0.172 × pH) | 77 | 0.87 | Brix et al. 2017 |
Pooled Model | Acute | ln(LC50) = InterceptSpeciesi + (0.786 × ln[DOC]) + (0.582 × ln[Hard]) + (0.966 × pH) | 688 | 0.81 | Brix et al. 2017 |
Lead | |||||
Ceriodaphnia dubia | Acute | ln(LC50) = −6.994 + (0.589 × ln[Ca]) + (0.992 × ln[DOC]) + (0.745 × pH) | 23 | 0.82 | Esbaugh et al. 2011 |
Pimephales promelas | Acute | ln(LC50) = 0.932 + (0.784 × ln[DOC]) + (0.443 × ln[ionic strength (mM)]) | 25 | 0.63 | Esbaugh et al. 2011 |
Ceriodaphnia dubia | Chronic | ln(EC50) = −5.168 + (1.001 × ln[DOC] (μM)) + (0.322 × ln[TCO2] (μM) ) + (0.371 × ln[Na] (μM) ) | 22 | 0.55 | Esbaugh et al. 2012 |
Lymnaea stagnalis | Chronic | ln(EC50) = −2.919 + (1.089 × ln[DOC] (μM)) | 7 | 0.82 | Esbaugh et al. 2012 |
Philodina rapida | Chronic | ln(EC50) = 19.376 - (3.018 × pH) + (1.503 × ln[Ca] (μM)) | 6 | 0.92 | Esbaugh et al. 2012 |
Zinc | |||||
Daphnia pulex | Acute | ln(LC50) = 3.196 + (0.284 × ln[DOC]) + (0.845 × ln[Hard]) | 25 | 0.58 | CCME 2016 |
Daphnia magna | Acute | ln(LC50) = 3.083 + (0.191 × ln[DOC]) + (0.865 × ln[Hard]) | 7 | 0.97 | CCME 2016 |
Daphnia spp. Pooled | Acute | ln(EC50) = 3.224 + (0.240 × ln[DOC]) + (0.833 × ln[Hard]) | 32 | 0.81 | CCME 2016 |
Oncorhynchus mykiss | Chronic | ln(LC10) = 7.041 + (0.999 × ln[DOC]) + (0.886 × ln[Hard]) – (0.937 × pH) | 14 | 0.79 | CCME 2016 |
Models based only on hardness or with adjusted R2 <0.50 are excluded.
Unless otherwise noted, units for metals are μg l−1 and units for DOC, hardness, and calcium are mg l−1.
Adjusted R2 was calculated from the R2 based on sample size (n) and the number of parameters (k) included in the model: