Figure 3.
Results of mindfulness training studies on attention separated by study design characteristic. For each characteristic, separate bars represent studies that did (“Yes”, opaque colors) and did not (“No”, faded colors) employ each characteristic. Studies finding benefits of mindfulness for one or more measures of attention are shown in green (“Favorable”). For RCTs this refers to differential improvements in the mindfulness group compared to control groups, but for retreat studies and non-randomized studies, where no control group was employed, this includes pre-post improvements within the mindfulness group or where control participants were included, differential improvements compared to controls. Studies finding no significant effect of mindfulness training on attention or equivalent performance between the mindfulness and the control group at post-training are shown in blue (“No Effect”) and those finding a benefit for a control group over mindfulness training are shown in red (“Unfavorable”). The percentage of studies with each result are indicated within the bars, calculated separately for studies that did and did not employ each design characteristic.