Figure 1.
Measures of hepatic inflammation and fibrosis in mice fed an treatment: Male WT C57Bl/6 mice were fed an HFD (12 wk) and exposed to either vehicle or Aroclor 1260 () by a one-time oral gavage at week 1. Aroclor 1260-exposed or vehicle mice were treated (via IP injection) with saline or EGF () daily for 10 d starting at week 10. Mice were fasted for 12 h and euthanized, and tissues were harvested for downstream analyses. (A) Representative image of CAE stained liver section ( per group, 1 liver section per mouse evaluated) (20× magnification objective) (arrows denote necrotic foci). (Bi) Representative image of picrosirius red stained (10× magnification objective) liver sections and (Bii) quantification. One liver section per mouse was evaluated ( per experimental group). (C) Plasma measures by Luminex® of , PAI-1, and resistin. (D) Hepatic qPCR analysis of inflammatory gene marker expression (, Il-6, Ly6g6d, Cd68, Tlr4). (E) Hepatic qPCR analysis of profibrotic genes and Mef2c, and an was used for Figures 1B–F. A two-way ANOVA was used to statistically compare data sets followed by a Sidak correction for intergroup comparisons. A was considered significant. Significance due to EGF is denoted by (a), due to Aroclor 1260 denoted by (b), and due to interaction denoted by (c) for the two-way ANOVA. A was denoted by * for the Sidak multiple comparison test. Data are presented as box and whisker plots for Figure 1 that illustrate the median (midline), upper and lower quartiles (box), and the upper and lower limits (whiskers). All numerical data are presented in Table S6 “Numerical Data” as , and p-values can be found in Table S5 “-Values.” Numeric outliers were identified by ROUT method and removed. The number of outliers are reported in Table S4 “Outliers.” Note: AE, ; ANOVA, analysis of variance; AS, ; CAE, chloroacetate esterase; Cd68, cluster of differentiation 68; CE, ; CS, ; EGF, epidermal growth factor; HFD, high-fat diet; Il-6, interleukin-6; IP, intraperitoneal; Ly6g6d, lymphocyte antigen 6 family member G6D; Mef2c, myocyte enhancer factor 2C; qPCR, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction; Tgfb, Transforming growth factor-beta; Tlr4, toll-like receptor 4; , tumor necrosis factor-alpha.