Intensification of the exercises from the previous period
Knee joint exercises with the use of CPM device (to 120°)/15 min
Isometric exercises with the use of : sEMG (muscles: quadriceps, ischiocrural group, gluteal, lower back)/number of repetitions: 30, time of muscle tension 5-8 s, time of muscle relaxation 5-8 s
Isometric exercises of quadriceps m. with resistance/number of repetitions: 30, time of muscle tension 5-8 s, time of muscle relaxation 5-8 s
Exercises with elastic resistance (bands, tubes, Terapi Master(adduction, abduction, gluteal muscles)/number of repetitions: 30, time of muscle tension 5-8 s, time of muscle relaxation 5-8 s
Knee joint passive exercises with the use of Biodex System 4 Pro/15 min
Active and self-assisted exercises of joint bending and straightening/5 min
Knee joint non-weight bearing exercises/15 min
Postisometric relaxation (PIR) of muscles surrounding knee joint/approximately 20 min/
Total banning of loading the limb subjected to the procedure
Continuation and intensification of exercises from the previous period
Learning proper gait with full loading (depending on doctor’s recommendations)
Unloaded knee joint exercises (with dosed resistance)/15 min
Active exercises of knee joint and surrounding muscles with the use of cycloergometer, treadmill, stair stepper (escalator),rowing machine, weight bench, Biodex, stepper, dynamometric platform, Humac 360/approximately 45 min/
Sensorimotor exercises with the use of Biodex Balance System, sensorimotor discs, trampoline, balance trainer/ approximately 20 min
Exercises with the use of biofeedback on Humac 360 devices, dynamometric platform/30 min
Exercises of proper symmetrical lower limb loading/10 min
Isokinetic training on Biodex System 4 Pro/30 min
Introduction of technical elements of individual sports disciplines (in the case of sportsmen)
Pool exercises (with breaststroke swimming not allowed)
Gym work-out (controlled by individual trainer)