(a) Backscattering amplitude factors associated with the elements
present in the system under study. Moduli of EXAFS WTs magnified in
the 2–4 Å R-space range for the following
reaction steps: (b) step 1, pretreatment in O2; (c) step
2, reduction in NO/NH3/He; (d) step 3, oxidation in 10%
O2/He; (e) step 4, exposure to NO/He or (f) step 4′,
exposure to NH3/He. For all the WTs a common intensity
scale is employed. Part (d) also shows the corresponding EXAFS spectra
in k-space and R-space (conventional
FT) in the relevant ranges, as well as the k-space
range characteristic of low-Z (O/N, Si/Al) and high-Z scatterers (Cu). All spectra measured at 200 °C.