Fig. 5. Comparison of the E1B-55 K/LH3 locus in the family Adenoviridae.
(A) Genome alignment of AdVs representing the five genera currently recognized. The genomes are indicated with the corresponding GenBank accession numbers and the abbreviated names of the genera, Ichtadenovirus, Siadenovirus, Aviadenovirus, Atadenovirus, and Mastadenovirus. In each case, only the left extremity of the genome which in atadenoviruses and mastadenoviruses encompasses the E1B-55 K/LH3 genes is shown. The genomes are aligned according to the gene encoding the IVa2 protein. Homologous genes are colored with the same color and, in the case of E1B-55 K/LH3 homologs, are connected by light green shading. Note that mastadenovirus equine AdV 2 (NC_027705) encodes two copies of E1B-55 K/LH3 homologs. The schematic cladogram on the left represents the established phylogenetic relationships within the family Adenoviridae (39). DNAP: DNA polymerase; pTP: pre-terminal protein; dUTPase: deoxyuridine-triphosphatase; kbp: kilo-basepair. (B) Domain organization of the E1B-55 K/LH3 homologs in LAdV-2 (Atadenovirus) and two mastadenoviruses, equine AdV 2 and human mastadenovirus C. The Pfam domain Adeno_E1B_55K (accession number PF01696.18) and the triskelion domain (Trisk) are colored with different shades of green.