Transformation efficiency
of unsynchronized and synchronized cell
cultures of C. r. CW15: Effect of ribonucleoprotein
Cas9 on the transformation efficiency. (A) TE were determined for
unsynchronized (unsync.) and synchronized cell cultures of C. r. CW15, using the linearized cpftsy homologous HCP construct only (black bars) or together with ribonucleoproteins
(yellow bars, HCP-GE containing Cas9, sgRNAs T1 and T2) at different
time points after the start of illumination. Data is shown as mean
± SD, n = 3. Below, the determined percentage
of the total pale green colonies obtained for HCP-GE (P, of green
colonies G) is given: maximal values are surrounded by black boxes.
A one-sided t test was performed, and the statistical
confidence level is shown in relation to the data of unsynchronized
cells (unsync.) as one asterisk for p < 0.05,
two asterisks for p < 0.01, three asterisks for p < 0.001, with a hash representing insignificant values
of p > 0.05. This was calculated in the same way
as (B). Assumed cell cycle phases are also shown below. (B) Transformation
efficiencies of further variations of HCP-GE trials at time point
+12 h are shown as mean ± SD, n = 3. The amounts
used of HCP, sgRNAs T1, T2, and Cas9, as well as the percentage of
pale colonies and the numbers for PCR analysis, are given below. The
determined optimal ratio of components is marked by a black box. Representative
pictures of transformation results, i.e., pale mutants
(marked black and red) vs normal green mutants are
shown as a general example in (C), of transformation using HCP at
+4 h (D, compare A), as well as of transformation D at +12 h (E, compare