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. 2021 Apr 1;8:100094. doi: 10.1016/j.jvacx.2021.100094

Table 1.

Dependent Variables with Sample Items and Answer Formats.

Construct Item Example and Source Answer Format Used in Data Collection
Dependent Variables
Vaccination appointment (adult/child) “Did you get vaccinated during the last six weeks?”
“Did your youngest children get vaccinated during the last six weeks?”
  • Yes, the vaccination appointment was carried out as planned.

  • No vaccination appointment planned.

  • No, I cancelled it due to the corona situation.

  • No, the physician cancelled it due to the corona situation.

  • No, it was cancelled for another reason, … [open text answer].

Catch-up appointment (adult/child) “Have you already made up a catch-up appointment with your physician?”
“Have you already made up a catch-up appointment for your youngest child with your physician?”
  • Yes

  • No

  • Other

Vaccination appointment and catch-up appointments
“Please think of the last three months. Was a vaccination appointment planned during this period, and did you get the vaccination?”
“Please think of the last three months. Was a vaccination appointment planned for your youngest child during this period, and did your child get the vaccination?”
  • No vaccination planned during this time.

  • A vaccination was planned and given on the agreed date.

  • A vaccination was postponed but already caught up.

  • A vaccination was postponed, and the catch-up appointment is pending.

  • A vaccination was postponed. It hasn’t been caught up yet, and no catch-up date has been appointed.

5C psychological antecedents of vaccination
(short scale)
Confidence: “I am completely confident that vaccines are safe.”
(Betsch et al., 2018)
(1 strongly disagree/ 7 strongly agree)