Fig. 1.
Total Samples Collected and RT-PCR Test Results by Date in Each Province. For each province, the cumulative number of samples taken and test results are given. Total collected samples are in black, positive samples are in red and negative samples are in green. AZ = Azuay, BO=Bolívar, CN=Cañar, CR = Carchi, CB=Chimborazo, CT = Cotopaxi, EO = El Oro, ES = Esmeraldas, GA = Galápagos, GU = Guayas, IM = Imbabura, LJ = Loja, LR = Los Ríos, MN = Manabí, MS = Morona Santiago, NA = Napo, OR = Orellana, PA = Pastaza, PI=Pichincha, SE = Santa Elena, SD=Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, SU=Sucumbíos, TU = Tungurahua, ZC = Zamora Chinchipe, ZD = Zona No Delimitada