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. 2021 Mar 1;39(4):760–777. doi: 10.1111/coep.12519


Summary statistics

All counties Above‐median votes/polling location Below‐median votes/polling location
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD T‐test
Election variables
In‐person votes (k) per polling location 0.171 0.095 0.240 0.089 0.102 0.024 .000
In‐person votes (10 k) 0.591 0.632 0.918 0.756 0.263 0.119 .000
Absentee votes (10 k) 1.581 2.986 2.803 3.847 0.359 0.255 .000
Polling locations open 30.708 16.920 36.083 20.828 25.333 9.052 .000
COVID‐19 testing variables
Weekly positive COVID‐19 test rate 0.041 0.061 0.056 0.069 0.026 0.047 .000
Cumulative COVID‐19 cases per 100 0.050 0.084 0.068 0.110 0.031 0.038 .000
Weekly new COVID‐19 cases per 100 0.013 0.025 0.018 0.032 0.008 0.013 .000
COVID‐19 case log growth rate 0.673 1.667 0.532 1.223 0.814 2.009 .057
Demographic variables
% population with less than a H.S. degree 8.400 2.532 7.497 1.812 9.303 2.814 .000
% population with at least a B.A. degree 23.065 7.526 26.578 8.170 19.553 4.688 .000
Unemployment rate (2018) 3.307 0.738 3.131 0.645 3.483 0.783 .000
Median household income ($k) 58.009 9.129 61.087 8.977 54.930 8.210 .000
Percent of population age 65 or older 20.161 4.339 18.489 3.991 21.832 4.025 .000
SafeGraph social distancing variables
Average time in dwelling 727.827 117.732 765.657 115.795 689.996 107.212 .000
% leaving home 63.390 3.524 62.166 3.474 64.614 3.132 .000
Average distance traveled 10,007.035 3442.082 8896.539 3206.551 11,117.531 3314.342 .000
County‐week observations 504 252 252
Counties 72 36 36

Notes: Data from the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, the US Census, The American Community Survey, and SafeGraph. The t‐test column reports p‐values from a test of the difference in means between the above and below‐median votes per polling location counties.