Left: Representative images of S9.6 immunofluorescence of U2OS cells depleted of BRCA2 (siBRCA2), DDX5 (siDDX5), or control cells (siC) after transfection with either an empty plasmid or a plasmid expressing DDX5. The merged images show the signal of S9.6, nucleolin (nucleoli) antibodies and DAPI staining. Scale bar indicates 25 µm. Right: Quantification of S9.6 average nuclear intensity of U2OS cells depleted of BRCA2 (siBRCA2), DDX5 (siDDX5), or control cells (siC) after transfection with either an empty plasmid or a plasmid expressing DDX5. The red line in the plot indicates the median, and each symbol represents the value of a single cell. The statistical significance of the difference was calculated with Mann–Whitney
U‐test, and the
P‐values show the significant difference. The data represent at least 235 cells per condition from three independent experiments. See also Fig