miR-24 can inhibit Notch signaling pathway in rat hippocampus. A: 3’-UTR region of miR-24 that binds to HMOX1; B: Luciferase activity results; compared with NC mimic group, *P<0.05; C: Histogram of miR-24 and HMOX1 mRNA levels in rat hippocampus; D: HMOX1 protein band image and protein levels; compared with the sham group, *P<0.05; compared with the model group, #P<0.05; compared with the miR-24 NC group, %P<0.05; compared with the miR-24 inhibitor group, &P<0.05; compared with the HMOX-1 NC group, $P<0.05; compared with the oe-HMOX1 group, @P<0.05, n=3.