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. 2021 Mar 7;103(5):1574–1594. doi: 10.1111/ajae.12211


Weekly impacts of nationwide lockdown on Chinese cabbage price: DID estimates

(1) (2) (3)
1 week after 0.460*** 0.466*** 0.455***
(9.63) (9.85) (9.38)
2 weeks after 0.496*** 0.501*** 0.486***
(13.83) (13.86) (12.86)
3 weeks after 0.604*** 0.609*** 0.593***
(16.82) (17.05) (15.97)
4 weeks after 0.649*** 0.655*** 0.638***
(14.09) (14.20) (13.19)
5 weeks after 0.607*** 0.614*** 0.594***
(11.97) (12.09) (11.35)
6 weeks after 0.497*** 0.506*** 0.484***
(9.79) (9.96) (9.32)
7 weeks after 0.434*** 0.445*** 0.421***
(9.96) (10.20) (9.44)
8 weeks after 0.358*** 0.370*** 0.344***
(10.64) (11.02) (9.78)
9 weeks after 0.233*** 0.245*** 0.216***
(8.74) (9.44) (7.57)
10 weeks after 0.070** 0.081*** 0.050*
(2.64) (3.23) (1.82)
11 weeks after 0.042 0.053* 0.021
(1.54) (1.96) (0.74)
12 weeks after 0.138*** 0.150*** 0.113***
(4.34) (4.78) (3.41)
13 weeks after 0.210*** 0.222*** 0.183***
(6.36) (7.02) (5.37)
14 weeks after 0.172*** 0.185*** 0.144***
(4.92) (5.47) (4.06)
15 weeks after −0.032 −0.025 −0.071
(−0.85) (−0.67) (−1.70)
Treat 0.253*** 0.246*** 0.263***
(6.92) (6.59) (6.92)
Constant −0.216*** −0.241*** −0.249***
(−5.95) (−11.75) (−11.97)
Market FEs Yes Yes Yes
Week FEs Yes Yes Yes
Province×Treat No Yes Yes
Market×Time No No Yes
Observations 8,370 8,370 8,370
R‐squared 0.593 0.617 0.665
Control group 2017Dec.‐2018Mar. & 2017Dec.‐2018Mar. & 2017Dec.‐2018Mar. &
2018Dec.‐2019Mar. 2018Dec.‐2019Mar. 2018Dec.‐2019Mar.

Notes: This table presents the week‐by‐week DID impact of the nationwide lockdown on Chinese cabbage price. Dummy I(Week i  = 0) is excluded as the baseline group, which refers to the week from January 16 to January 22. The coefficients for week = −1 to week = −7 were not reported for the brevity of the table. Standard errors are clustered at province level and t statistics are in parentheses.


= p < 0.1.


= p < 0.05.


= p < 0.01.