60IIA>traRNAi females fight using male patterns of aggression when paired with Canton-S males. Fights between Canton-S males and females of the indicated genotypes. (A) Female lunge frequencies (Fisher's two-tailed test). (B) Frequency of female singing (Fisher's two-tailed test). (C) Behaviors performed by four pairs of 60IIA>traRNAi females versus Canton-S males. Scoring is shown for the first 10 min of the 1-h fight period. Circling was scored when flies rapidly chased each other in a tight circle; wing extension, unilateral wing extension; high posture fencing was scored when flies fought on their hind legs. Although high posture fencing and circling behaviors can last for many seconds, in these fights the duration of the behaviors was brief, so it was not recorded. For all histograms, ***P<0.001, n.s., not significantly different at >0.05.