Fig. 2.
AT1R and ETAR expression from a group of 65 renal transplant recipients. AT1R and ETAR transcripts from patients that received renal transplants were measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). The patients included in this cohort received a living donor transplant and immunosuppression that consisted of Tacrolimus, Mycophenolate Mofetil and Prednisone. Patients had no delayed graft function, BK viremia nor acute rejection. At one year post-transplant, biopsies were examined and scores for inflammation (i), interstitial fibrosis (ci) and transplant glomerulopathy (cg) were compared to AT1R mRNA and ETAR mRNA expression. Patients were classified based on histopathological examination as normal (n = 25; i/cg/ct = 0); interstitial fibrosis only (n = 24; i/cg = 0; ci > 1) and interstitial fibrosis and inflammation (n = 16; i/cg/ct > 1). (A) AT1R mRNA was higher in patients with interstitial fibrosis but levels decreased in those with both interstitial fibrosis and inflammation. (B) Conversely, ETAR mRNA expression is lower in patients with interstitial fibrosis and increased while AT1R mRNA decreases in patients with interstitial fibrosis and inflammation (3B).