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. 2021 Apr 1;5(7):1903–1914. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2020003865

Table 1.

Characteristics of allogeneic HCT recipients with first documented HCoV infection (N = 297)

Characteristics Categories Total (N = 297) URTI (N = 254) LRTI (N = 43)
Age at HCoV diagnosis, y Median (IQR) 45 (25-60) 44 (23-60) 48 (34-62)
Children at HCoV diagnosis <18 y old 61 (21) 55 (22) 6 (14)
Children’s age at HCoV diagnosis, y Median (range) 9 (0-18) 9 (0-18) 5 (0-18)
Sex Male 170 (57) 140 (55) 30 (70)
Female 127 (43) 114 (45) 13 (30)
Race White 239 (80) 206 (81) 33 (77)
Nonwhite 42 (14) 37 (15) 5 (12)
Others 16 (5) 11 (4) 5 (12)
Year of transplant 2008-2013 141 (47) 123 (48) 18 (42)
2014-2018 156 (53) 131 (52) 25 (58)
Transplant number First 238 (80) 206 (81) 32 (74)
Second or higher 59 (20) 48 (19) 11 (26)
Stem cell source Bone marrow 52 (18) 46 (18) 6 (14)
PBSC 206 (69) 177 (70) 29 (67)
Cord blood 39 (13) 31 (12) 8 (19)
Human leukocyte antigen-match/donor type Matched/unrelated 128 (43) 113 (44) 15 (35)
Mismatch/related or unrelated 32 (11) 28 (11) 4 (9)
Haplo-/related 23 (8) 16 (6) 7 (16)
Matched/related 75 (25) 66 (26) 9 (21)
Cord/unrelated 39 (13) 31 (12) 8 (19)
Recipient blood type O+ or O− 137 (46) 113 (44) 24 (56)
A+ or A− 109 (36) 94 (37) 15 (35)
B+ or B− 37 (12) 34 (13) 3 (7)
AB+ or AB− 10 (3) 10 (4) 0 (0)
Missing 1 (1) 3 (1) 1 (2)
Donor blood type O+ or O− 123 (41) 105 (42) 18 (42)
A+ or A− 105 (35) 93 (37) 12 (28)
B+ or B− 32 (11) 28 (11) 4 (9)
AB+ or A− 10 (4) 8 (3) 2 (5)
Missing 27 (9) 20 (8) 7 (16)
Conditioning regimen Myeloablative 192 (65) 163 (64) 29 (67)
Nonmyeloablative 105 (35) 91 (36) 14 (33)
Smoking status Current 1 (0) 1 (0) 0 (0)
Former 67 (23) 57 (22) 10 (23)
Never 228 (77) 195 (77) 33 (77)
Missing 1 (0) 1 (0) 0 (0)
Body habitus* Normal or underweight 135 (45) 119 (47) 16 (37)
Overweight 88 (30) 72 (28) 16 (37)
Obese 74 (25) 63 (25) 11 (26)
Diabetic state at HCT Yes 20 (7) 17 (7) 3 (7)
No 216 (73) 184 (72) 32 (74)
Missing 61 (21) 53 (21) 8 (19)
Recipient CMV status Seropositive 197 (66) 167 (66) 30 (70)
Seronegative 100 (34) 87 (34) 13 (30)
Donor CMV status Seropositive 126 (42) 111 (44) 15 (35)
Seronegative 171 (58) 143 (56) 28 (65)
Days between date of HCT and onset of HCoV infection ≤30 43 (14) 37 (15) 6 (14)
31-365 158 (53) 133 (52) 25 (58)
>365 96 (32) 84 (33) 12 (28)
Days between date of HCT and onset of HCoV infection ≤Lower quartile (57) 71 (24) 63 (25) 8 (19)
Lower quartile (57) to median (155) 73 (25) 63 (25) 10 (23)
Median (155) to upper quartile (474) 78 (26) 61 (24) 17 (40)
>Upper quartile (474) 75 (25) 67 (26) 8 (19)
Acute GVHD Grade 0-1 83 (28) 69 (27) 14 (33)
Grade 2 179 (60) 158 (62) 21 (49)
Grade 3-4 35 (12) 27 (11) 8 (19)
Chronic GVHD Yes 286 (96) 246 (97) 40 (93)
No 11 (4) 8 (3) 3 (7)
HCoV species OC43 6 (2) 2 (1) 4 (9)
NL63 4 (1) 4 (2) 0 (0)
HKU1 4 (1) 2 (1) 2 (5)
229E 3 (1) 2 (1) 1 (2)
Missing 280 (94) 244 (96) 36 (84)
HCoV Ct values Median (IQR) 26 (23-31) 26 (23-31) 28 (26-30)
Copathogen in upper respiratory tract§ Yes 67 (23) 52 (20) 15 (35)
No 230 (7) 202 (80) 28 (65)
Copathogen in blood|| Yes 37 (12) 28 (11) 9 (21)
No 260 (88) 226 (89) 34 (79)
ISI Low (0-2) 66 (22) 65 (26) 1 (2)
Moderate (3-6) 208 (70) 172 (68) 36 (84)
High (7-11) 23 (8) 17 (7) 6 (14)
Neutrophil count# ≤500 × 106 cells/L 24 (8) 18 (7) 6 (14)
>500 × 106 cells/L 248 (84) 217 (85) 31 (72)
Missing 25 (8) 19 (7) 6 (14)
Lymphocyte count# ≤300 × 106 cells/L 44 (15) 37 (15) 7 (16)
>300 × 106 cells/L 226 (76) 196 (77) 30 (70)
Missing 27 (9) 21 (8) 6 (14)
≤200 × 106 cells/L 30 (10) 25 (10) 5 (12)
>200 × 106 cells/L 240 (81) 208 (82) 32 (74)
≤100 × 106 cells/L 15 (5) 12 (5) 3 (7)
>100 × 106 cells/L 255 (86) 221 (87) 34 (79)
Monocyte count# ≤300 × 106 cells/L 77 (26) 61 (24) 16 (37)
>300 × 106 cells/L 193 (65) 172 (68) 21 (49)
Missing 27 (9) 21 (8) 6 (14)
≤200 × 106 cells/L 48 (16) 36 (14) 12 (28)
>200 × 106 cells/L 222 (75) 197 (78) 25 (58)
≤100 × 106 cells/L 32 (11) 22 (9) 10 (23)
>100 × 106 cells/L 238 (80) 211 (83) 27 (63)
Albumin** ≤3 g/dL 51 (17) 35 (14) 16 (37)
>3 g/dL 214 (72) 189 (74) 25 (58)
Missing 32 (11) 30 (12) 2 (5)
Glucose# 0-100 mg/dL 73 (25) 60 (24) 13 (31)
101-150 mg/dL 127 (43) 118 (46) 9 (21)
151-200 mg/dL 35 (12) 24 (9) 11 (26)
>200 mg/dL 14 (4) 10 (4) 4 (10)
Missing 48 (16) 42 (17) 6 (14)
Glucose†† ≤150 mg/dL or unknown 195 (66) 172 (68) 23 (53)
>150 mg/dL on most recent day only 18 (6) 13 (5) 5 (12)
>150 mg/dL on most recent day and >150 mg/dL on another day 31 (10) 21 (8) 10 (23)
Any glucose value other than most recent >150 mg/dL 53 (18) 48 (19) 5 (12)
Steroid dose‡‡ None 134 (45) 122 (48) 12 (28)
<1 mg/kg 136 (46) 111 (44) 25 (58)
≥1 mg/kg 27 (9) 21 (8) 6 (14)
HbA1c§§ <6.5% 34 (11) 27 (11) 7 (16)
≥6.5% 15 (5) 12 (5) 3 (7)
Missing 248 (84) 215 (85) 33 (77)

Values are n (%) unless otherwise specified.

CMV, cytomegalovirus; Ct, cycle threshold; IQR, interquartile range, PBSC, peripheral blood stem cell.


Overweight is defined as a body mass index ≥25 and <30 for adults and ≥85th percentile and <95th percentile for children of the same age and sex. Obesity is defined as a body mass index ≥30 for adults and ≥95th percentile for children of the same age and sex according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Missing values exist.

At HCoV diagnosis.


Copathogens: human rhinovirus 21, RSV 17, parainfluenza virus 14, human metapneumovirus 9, human bocavirus 8, influenza virus 6, adenovirus 5 (the total number of copathogens are larger than that of patients with copathogens detected, since some patients had >1 pathogen).


Defined as a pathogen or antigen (bacteria, fungi, virus, Aspergillus galactomannan enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) detected in a blood within 2 d of HCoV diagnosis.

Copathogens: cytomegalovirus (any positive) 27, adenovirus 3, Aspergillus galactomannan enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay 2, Candida albicans 1, Clostridium septicum 1, Viridans Streptococcus 1, Hafnia alvei 1, EBV 1, human herpes virus 6 1, and BK virus 1 (the total number of copathogens are larger than that of patients with copathogens detected since some patients had >1 pathogens).


Using nearest value within 2 weeks before HCoV diagnosis.


Lowest albumin value in the 2 weeks before HCoV diagnosis.


Using values within 2 weeks before HCoV diagnosis.


Highest daily steroid dose in the 2 weeks before HCoV diagnosis.


Highest HbA1c within 3 months before HCoV diagnosis.