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. 2021 Mar 8;8(3):420–426. doi: 10.1002/mdc3.13178

FIG. 2.

FIG. 2

Differences between male (in red) and female (in blue) patients with HD. The graphs show motor, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms progression over the period of four annual visits. (A) the unified Huntington's disease rating scale‐Total motor score (motscore_new). (B) Stroop interference test (sit1_new). (C) Symbol digit modalities test (sdmt1_new). (D) Verbal fluency test (verfct5_new). (E) Problem behaviors assessment ‐ short version (PBA‐s), Depression score (depscore_new). (F) PBA‐s, irritability/aggression score (irascore_new) (G) PBA‐s, psychosis score (psyscore_new). (H) PBA‐s, apathy score (aptscore_new). (I) PBA‐s, executive function score (exfscore_new).