Fig 1. Pax3Cre-mediated deletion of BAF155/170 leads to severe craniofacial defects and embryonic lethality.
(A-L) Phenotypic defects in control, BAF170-deficient (Pax3Cre/+;BAF170fl/fl;BAF155fl/+), BAF155-deficient (Pax3Cre/+;BAF155fl/fl;BAF170fl/+) and BAF155/170-deficient (Pax3Cre/+;BAF155fl/fl;BAF170fl/fl) embryos. Sagittal view of E10.5 (A-D), E11.5 (E-H), and E12.5 (I-L) embryos. Severe craniofacial defects in BAF155/170-deficient embryos (D, H, and L) when compared with their littermate controls (A, E, and I). Among BAF155/170-deficient embryos, 9/9 showed forebrain defects, evident by improper development of the telencephalon (D, H, and L). BAF155-deficient embryos (C, G, and K) also demonstrated abnormal development of craniofacial tissues and telencephalon when compared with their littermate controls (A, E, and I). No obvious morphological defects were observed in BAF170-deficient embryos at the embryonic stages analyzed (B, F, and J). n = 3–10 embryos were analyzed for each genotype at each given embryonic stage. Scale bars 200μM (A-D) and 500μM (E-L) fl, forelimb; hl, hindlimb; ht, heart; mc, metencephalon; tc, telencephalon.