(A) Mean-square displacement of the center of mass, g3(t), of the tadpoles. (B)
Log–linear plot of long-time diffusion coefficient D against tail length L. The data set with C = 100 is well fitted by a power law ∼L–a with a = 2.53(1),
while tadpoles with larger heads display a qualitatively different
slowing down with a = a(L) increasing with tail size and compatible with an exponential
(shown as a dashed line as a guide for the eye). (C) Interpolated
heat map of D in the 2D parameter space (C, L). (D) Plot of D against
total contour length and compared with the dynamics of pure linear
and ring polymers. The solid, dashed, and dashed-dotted lines are
guides for the eye. The dashed line indicates the known scaling for
asymptotic ring and linear chains.13 Note
that D(L = 400, C = 400) is an upper bound value as the system has not reached free
diffusion within our longest simulation runtime.