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. 2021 Mar 17;10:e67065. doi: 10.7554/eLife.67065

Figure 5. CB1 receptor antagonist restores OFC terminal activity for outcome encoding.

(A) Schematic that depicts injections with vehicle or SR141716 followed by an operant session under a random ratio 20 (RR20) schedule of reinforcement in Air (n = 9 mice, three vapor cohorts) and CIE (n = 11 mice, three vapor cohorts). (B) Z-score of ΔF/F GCaMP6s trace recorded in OFC terminals during lever press bouts in mice injected with vehicle or SR141716 including all event trials and (C) net area under the curve (AUC) in Air mice. (D) Z-score of ΔF/F GCaMP6s traces during lever press bouts including session averages and (E) net AUC of Z-score GCaMP6s signal during lever press bouts in Air mice. (F) Z-score of ΔF/F GCaMP6s trace recorded in OFC terminals during lever press bouts in mice injected with vehicle or SR141716 including all event trials and (G) net area under the curve (AUC) in CIE mice. (H) Z-score of ΔF/F GCaMP6s traces during lever press bouts including session averages and (I) net AUC of Z-score GCaMP6s signal during lever press bouts in CIE mice. (J) Z-score of ΔF/F GCaMP6s trace recorded in OFC terminals during the first head entry after outcome delivery in mice injected with vehicle or SR141716 including all event trials and (K) net AUC for each signal in Air mice. (L) Z-score of ΔF/F GCaMP6s trace recorded in OFC terminals during the first head entry after outcome delivery in mice injected with vehicle or SR141716 including session averages and (M) net AUC for each signal in Air mice. (N) Z-score of ΔF/F GCaMP6s trace recorded in OFC terminals during the first head entry after outcome delivery in mice injected with vehicle or SR141716 including all event trials and (O) net AUC for each signal in CIE mice. (P) Z-score of ΔF/F GCaMP6s trace recorded in OFC terminals during the first head entry after outcome delivery in mice injected with vehicle or SR141716 including session averages and (Q) net AUC for each signal in CIE mice. Data points and bar graphs represent mean ± SEM. Two-sided FDR-corrected permutation test or paired two-tailed t-test, *p≤0.05, **p≤0.01, ****p≤0.0001.

Figure 5—source data 1. CB1 receptor antagonist restores OFC terminal activity for outcome encoding source data.

Figure 5.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1. CB1 antagonist did not alter lever press behavior between training days.

Figure 5—figure supplement 1.

(A) Experimental timeline that includes training after outcome devaluation and injections with vehicle or SR141716. (B) Lever presses, (C) response rate, (D) reinforcers earned, and (E) head entries across all training days and retraining and testing days following outcome devaluation. (F) The number of lever presses, (G) response rate, (H) reinforcers earned, and (I) head entries during vehicle or SR141716 injection test sessions in Air and CIE mice. Data points across training days represent the mean ± SEM.
Figure 5—figure supplement 1—source data 1. CB1 antagonist did not alter lever press behavior between training days source data.
Figure 5—figure supplement 2. OFC terminal activity in DS with vehicle or CB1 antagonist.

Figure 5—figure supplement 2.

(A) Z-score of ΔF/F GCaMP6s trace including all event trials in vehicle or SR141716 test sessions during lever presses (two-sided FDR-corrected permutation test, Vehicle: n = 3858; SR141716: n = 3773) and (B) outcome delivery (two-sided FDR-corrected permutation test, Vehicle: n = 177; SR141716: n = 160) in Air mice. (C) Z-score of ΔF/F GCaMP6s trace including all event trials in vehicle or SR141716 test sessions during lever presses (two-sided FDR-corrected permutation test, Vehicle: n = 5420; SR141716: n = 4721) and (D) outcome delivery (two-sided FDR-corrected permutation test, Vehicle: n = 274; SR141716: n = 217) in CIE mice. (E) Z-score of ΔF/F GCaMP6s trace including the session average for each Air mouse in vehicle or SR141716 test sessions during lever presses (two-sided FDR-corrected permutation test, Vehicle: n = 8; SR141716: n = 10) and (F) outcome delivery (two-sided FDR-corrected permutation test, Vehicle: n = 8; SR141716: n = 10). (G) Z-score of ΔF/F GCaMP6s trace including the session average for each CIE mouse in vehicle or SR141716 test sessions during lever presses (two-sided FDR-corrected permutation test, Vehicle: n = 11; SR141716: n = 10) and (H) outcome delivery (two-sided FDR-corrected permutation test, Vehicle: n = 12; SR141716: n = 9). Two-sided permutation test, *p≤0.05.
Figure 5—figure supplement 2—source data 1. OFC terminal activity in DS with vehicle or CB1 antagonist source data.